Monday, June 3, 2013

Friday CCA DAY

Today, 11th Jan 2013 is CCA Day, but it was also the Boys Brigade (BB) Day! The sec 1s to sec 4s had to assemble in the school hall for morning assembly. All classes went back to the classroom to put down their bags and hurry to the hall for assembly. It was quite messy, some people could not hear the announcement. I was at the music room from 7am to 7.20am to arrange the chairs and stands for combine practice later. I hurried down after locking the music room door. Then I saw all my friends going to the hall with their student handbook. I went to the hall after putting down my bag.

Then the morning assembly started, we sang the national anthem and recited our Singapore Pledge. Then the Boys Brigade did the marching and after about 2 hours, we started our CCA practice. We practiced the Chinese New Year songs - "Hua Gu Diao", "Gong Xi" and "Xiao Bai Nian" only as there was not enough time to practice the SYF songs or Rhythm of the Rain. There is not much things that happen today as the Chinese New year songs is very easy to learn and play. We were going to perform at Bukit Panjang Plaza on 20th January 2013. We are going to perform 2 Chinese New Year Songs, Rhythm of the Rain and the percussion fanfair. It will surely be a great experience.

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