Monday, June 3, 2013

CCA Combine Practice

On 12th January 2013, I had another combine practice. We are going to perform on the 20th January 2013. The event is called the North West CDC Arts Roadshow.  So since it is just one week away, we had to come back on 12th January 2013 which is a saturday, to practice the Chinese New Year songs and Rhythm of the Rain. The Chinese New Year songs are "Hua Gu Diao", "Gong Xi" and "Xiao Bai Nian". This is our Values-In Added(VIA) event for the year. 

We practiced it for one hour then we practiced the SYF songs - "Jiang Yuan", "Jiang Nu" and "Rhythm of the Sea". We practiced and practiced. And then Mr Chua, our conductor gave us 15 minutes break. The percussion made him so mad that he kept dropping his conductor stick. Then the members around him had to keep picking up his conductor stick from the floor and passing it back to him. He was anxious as the SYF date was nearing but we were still lacking far behind the other schools. It was nerve-wrecking. Then, after we kept our instruments, stands and chairs, we sat in the middle of the music room for the teacher to say announcement. Ms Chew said that we were have another practice next saturday, 19th January 2013 and we should be bringing home our instruments to practice. Then we were dismissed.

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