Saturday, December 22, 2012

22nd December 2012

The people said that the World was going to end on 21st December 2012, but me and my family and friends are still alive. Of course, I did not believe in this kind of thing but at least I thought that something was gonna happen. Like for example, an alien UFO ship fell on Earth or something. Hahaha, I guess I'm a bit weird. But I also wished to have super powers like those characters in the cartoon shows.

 Therefore, my Christmas wish is " All I want for Christmas this year 2012 is to have superpowers like to be able to fly or heal anything, to do very well for my upcoming 'O' levels in the year 2013 and to be as lucky as I have ever been!!! "

Therefore, Christmas, 25th December 2012 is coming in 3 days and I asked my mum to give me Korea seaweed as my friends say that their seaweed is delicious. I asked my brother to get me a new earpiece as mine spoiled a few weeks ago. But he said he will get me another present as that does not count. What I really want is to get a Ipod Touch, a great watch (as I have not worn one for about 3 years already) and to get a Smartphone contract from Singtel / M1 shop, preferred to be HTC, Samsung or Apple Brand~~

*P.s. I have started menstruation ( the women's blood stuff) on 20th December 2012, around 6pm. {For my knowledge only just in case I lost the calendar or paper so DONT NOTICE THIS!!!!}

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