Monday, June 3, 2013

Singapore Youth Festival 2013

Today, 23rd April 2013 was the Official Day to Singapore Youth Festival Judging 2013. The consent form wrote 7am to 4pm. This means that we would miss a whole day of lessons again. It was a pity as our Mid Year examinations were coming in 2 weeks time and I am not well-prepared for it.

In the morning, the whole Chinese Orchestra members gathered in the music room in the morning and we did not attend the morning assembly. We needed to tie our hair into the 'Scorpion' style and make up in the AVA Room as we would not have time later. After that, we hurried to the music room to do our last SYF CO combine practice with Mr Chua, our conductor who seemed anxious. He told us to do our best and would definitely be able to do it!

We went off to the Singapore Conference Hall at about 12-1pm. This was the fourth and last time that I would be coming here and I would definitely miss the time spent performing and rehearsing for the Singapore Youth Festival Judging as I guess I would not touch or play my Zhong Ruan anymore after my Secondary School CCA is over.

We were all nervous, anxious and excited. We went into the Hall with confidence and pride, walking as though it was our stage, our performance and my last performance in Chinese Orchestra. The time passed quickly and we finished the rhythm of the Sea SYF song. Next up, was Jiang Ruan and Jiang Nu. Hoping I would not make any obvious and weird mistakes, I played it with confidence.

After the performance and the bow, we went out of the hall and put back our instruments. Everyone was discussing what went well and wrong and prayed that we would get Certificate of Distinction to bring pride and glory to Chinese Orchestra and to our school. 

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