Monday, June 3, 2013

Performing in North West Arts Roadshow!!

On 20th January 2013, it was the day of the event where Chinese Orchestra would be performing in public again, It would be at Bukit Panjang Plaza, level 2, at the garden. The event is called the Northwest Arts Roadshow. I was extremely enthusiastic about this performance as it would be my very last time performing in Chinese Orchestra in public. I went to school earlier to start preparing for the performance later on. My percussion members were moving the drums down to the first floor to the truck. Unfortunately, it was raining which caused us a bit of inconvenience. The members seem very excited about the event later on.

Then Ms Chew ask the sections to go down to the canteen one by one to wait for the bus. First was the erhu section then it was the Zhong Ruan section. We walk down to the canteen and I ask them to put the Zhong Ruan properly. I scolded Pei Ling, the current Sectional Leader of Zhong Ruan Section as she was totally not doing her duty properly. Anyway, we took the bus to Bukit Panjang Plaza. The bus trip took 20 minutes. Then I went to put down my instrument and bag. And then I went to help out the percussion to move the drums up to the second floor through the lift. 

Then the performance came, we played the Rhythm of the Rain, Gong Xi, Xiao Bai Nian, Hua Gu Diao. And the percussion people did the fanfair too. It was great and although we made a lot of mistakes during the performance, I felt happy. Our teachers, seniors and the public were supporting us. It was a very great experience. But I felt that the stage was too small and because of that, most of the juniors could not perform which I felt that it was a pity.  But overall, it was a great experience for me!!!

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