Monday, June 3, 2013

PE Lesson 30th January 2013

Today, on 30th January 2013, I had a one-hour PE lesson with the two Australian teachers. It was great for them to be our teachers as their games are so fun and exciting. I am always looking forward to their games and their PE lessons from the first day they took my class. As it is really so cool and we get to learn a new sport.

Anyway, during PE lesson, we started to practice on the ball game. We had to split into 4 groups. My group had to form 2 lines in front of the net. We had to throw the ball at the net and the net will bounce the ball to the other side. Then the other person from the other line had to catch the ball to score a point. I saw my friend keep missing the net and the ball flew over the net. It was funny. 

Then, we had a match against the other 3 groups. It was hard to score but the Australian teachers said that we did better this time as we manage to score quite a number of goals not like last time, when no group scored a single goal for their team. This PE lesson was awesome. :)

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