Monday, June 3, 2013

CIP involving National Arts Council and National Library Board

Northwest CDC with National Arts Council and National Library Board

On 15th December 2012, it was the day where I did my Community involvement programme (CIP) at the library. My job was to give out flyers outside the library and persuade people to go for the program that would be happening later. I met many different kinds of people and saw a lot of people going in and out of the library. Stopping them, I introduced the program and asked them to bring their kids later to watch the puppet show happening later if they had kids with them.

My targeted audience is parents with children at the age of 3-6 years old. This event helps me to boost my confidence and initiative in talking to strangers and promoting them this program 'The Puppet Show' for the National Library Board and the National Arts Council. 

I met new friends during this community involvement programme and we exchanged handphone numbers and facebook too. Meeting new people in life and making friends is something interesting and I believe in affinity that when two people meet, it is fate that brought us together. That is what learnt in this programme. Anyway, the puppet show was very interesting and exhilarating.

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