Monday, June 3, 2013

March Holiday SYF CO Practice

Today, was another day of March Holiday SYF Practice. Although it was a holiday, but as SYF is approaching, there was definitely more practice. We had to reach school, music room, by 8am. For the 'La Song'. The song that half of us had to sing while we are performing. We had to remember the lyrics, know its rhythm and sing it out loudly. The practice was from 8am to 12pm.

It was easy to remember and I kept practicing at home. Even though I only needed to sing the last line but "All for One, One for All", since half of us were going to remember and sing it, then I should remember it too. As I am still a Chinese Orchestra member. It was great and I always sing it when I am walking home. But I think that the "La Song" which is a "Min Yao" is a bit weird and feel that the members will not sing it loudly as they are all so shy. Hopefully, I am wrong and it would all go well.

After a 45 minutes practice of that, our Chinese Orchestra Conductor came and we started to practice with our instruments. Although we did not put in the song during our practice as were not prepared, I hope that we can put it in in our next practice which is next monday. Hopefully, all goes well and we would get the 'Certificate of Distinction' for SYF judging. 

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