Monday, June 3, 2013

Sec 1 Orientation Day 2 2013

On 3rd January 2013, it was the second day of the Sec 1 Orientation. I felt more prepared and relaxed as I know my sec 1  group now and they know me too. So it would be easier to control the group today. But today, Shahidah, came to join Class 1N7 as a student facilitator. She was in my group. So now my group has 2 student facilitators, me and Shahidah. After reaching the classroom, we said Good Morning to them and they said Good Morning to us and the teachers. We split them back into 4 groups and I brought them outside the classroom to gather first. I introduced Shahidah to them and asked them to introduce themselves to her. They were all quite shy. Then I told them that we will be doing the Whiz Challenge today and gave them the list. I told them the more things that they do in the list, the more points they get. Soon, the time was up and we had to go to the Indoor Sports Hall (ISH) to assemble. They were given their break and was told to be back in the hall after that for their cheers.

Time passes quickly and it was time for the Class Cheer. Wen Zhong had already figured out their Class Cheer and taught it to them. Each Class started to perform the Class Cheer in front of the rest of the classes. Then it was time for Class 1N7 to perform, they were so shy and so soft compared to just now, when they said the cheer so loudly at one corner. Wen Zhong felt disappointed as they did not do their very best and was so shy suddenly. Then the teachers gave out the prizes to all the Classes. Each class sent a representative to collect the prize. After that, we gave them a form to evaluate the program and us, the student facilitators. Then we collected it back and passed it to the teachers. It was the end of the Sec 1 Orientation 2013.

Then, it was their break. We told them to go for their break and be back in their classroom. We said our goodbyes. It was time for their form teacher contact time after that before going for their Chingay Practice. Then. I did my reflection, handed it up and saw the comments written by my Class 1N7. It was great and were all positive comments. I felt happy for myself. It was a great experience!

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