Monday, June 3, 2013



Today is 22nd February 2013, Friday. After going for my CCA until 3.30pm, I went down to the canteen to assemble. Today was the day where I would be going with my secondary 4 class to CHINGAY with the elderly. Our priority and objective of this VIA Event was to make those elderly from Joy Centre happy on this very day that they will remember this day and night as one of the happy moments of their life. Hopefully, that is what I wish for my assigned elderly. I will be partnering with Wan Hoon. We went to buy Ponchos from Vista Point for our classmates as many of them did not bring it.

After boarding the bus, Wan hoon requested for the window seat, I prayed that it would not rain today so that the day would be perfect. As the floor will be wet when it rains. And if that happens, the elderly will be more prone to falling down and we would definitely not want to see that happen. Hopefully, every thing goes well today, I said to myself.

We went to the Joy centre to meet the elderly and eat dinner with them. Some had families with them but most of them did not. Me and Wan hoon was very excited and enthusiastic. When the rest of my classmates sat down at a corner to eat their dinner, we went around giving the elderly the food and drinks provided by the centre. If we don't give out, then who will? We thought. This was my duty anyway. A few aunties saw me poke the straw into their drinks for them as they did not have strength to do it (We were ordered to poke the straw into the drinks first anyway). The aunties was like impressed. And then as I noticed that, I failed to poke the straw into the drink for the next one. I was distracted. After seeing them happily eat their food and no one was left unnoticed, we went to join the rest of our classmates for dinner. By then, they had already finished half of their packet food.

Then, we had a small briefing and went to the bus to the F1 pit where the Chingay event would be held this year. We reached there after 45 minutes on the bus. Walking side by side with my assigned elderly and trying to remember her face, what she was wearing, we walked for about 10 minutes to the Yellow sector of the F1 pit. It was a very long distance. After that, we asked her if she needed to go toilet and brought her to the toilet. We were supposed to be with her at all times. After that, we brought her back to her seat and we were instructed to go off to our seats in the Chingay event. After watching the show which was spectacular and an eye-opener, we took the elderly back to the bus. It was a long wait to the bus as there was a very long queue and was very crowded. I tried to prevent other people from pushing my elderly so that she will not get hurt. 

After boarding the bus back to the Joy centre, I went to the back of the bus with Wan hoon and slept. After reaching Joy Centre, the elderly alighted and we said good bye to them. They thanked us for our efforts and left. Then I went back to sleep again. Upon reaching Woodlands MRT Station, I woke up and everyone alighted from the bus. We said good bye to each other. It was a great experience especially when we get to assist the elderly and have a so-called class outing with my classmates. It is the second best VIA event that I had ever done.

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