Thursday, October 24, 2013

Beginning of O levels

A few days ago, 21st October 2013 was the start of the O levels examinations 2013. It was the English paper with the exception of Science Practical Exam the week before. English, mathematics and Social Studies has passed leaving me with 4 more subjects to go- Chinese, Combined Science (Chemistry & Physics), History and POA. I wonder what the bell curve will be like this year.... Hopefully, I would do well for my examinations, exceeding my goals and finally getting the desired results. Hahahaha :D , to a certain extent of course with the use of Social Studies (SS) skills. Get it?

My teachers dump everyone with piles of worksheets to do. It filled up all the pockets of my thick black box file. It is impossible to finish and understand every single one of them before the next paper on Monday, 28th October 2013 which is Paper 2 - Combine Science for Physics then on Tuesday, 29th October 2013 which is Paper 3 - Combine Science for Chemistry. GO GO GO!! I CAN DO IT!!! :) Cos I know I can...~.~ 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Prelims Just Ended!!!!

My Secondary 4 Preliminary Examinations just ended after 2 long weeks. I think my examinations was not well done as I feel that I was very unprepared compared to the other examinations in the past. I hope that I would do well, of course, as this is my role of a student. Anyway, my notes for  'O' level is not finished and that MOE-Cambridge exam is nearing. About 40 + Days left to the start of  'O' level examinations. I am so anxious everyday, this is seriously nerve-wrecking.

However, my friends seem normal, not nervous. I wonder if it is because they are rich and can afford to go overseas to study if they do badly for 'O' level. I want to do well so badly but I can't make my body move. Just one word to describe me now : LAZY. Sigh~~ Wondering when can I start to focus... Please start to focus now, my mind and body. Motivation and Encouragement is very important to me, I guess..

My Chinese Orchestra SYF Journey

I have taken part in 2 Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Judging Competitions when I was in this co-curricular activity (CCA) for 4 long years in secondary school. After achieving a Silver Award in 2011, I was discouraged by the fact that we did not get the Gold Award but was elated at the same time for maintaining not dropping our standards of Silver.

Finally this year 2013, Chinese Orchestra achieved Distinction. All our time and efforts had paid off. I was very delighted and fascinated when I heard the results. I started to jump up and down in my classroom, feeling extremely excited and motivated. People started to congratulate us and I could hear screams of joy from the other classrooms.


I would like to thank the school for supporting us. The school has helped us in many ways by buying us new and better-quality instruments and arranging public performances for us. For example, on 20th January 2013, we performed at Bukit Panjang Plaza, level 2, at the garden. The event was called the Northwest Arts Roadshow. I was extremely enthusiastic about this performance as it would be my very last time performing in Chinese Orchestra in public. We performed 4 songs:  Rhythm of the Rain, 恭喜 (gong xi), 小拜年 (xiao bai nian), 花鼓 (hua gu diao). It was a wonderful and enjoyable experience for all of us.

I would also like to thank our Chinese Orchestra instructors and teachers whom have put in their utmost effort in helping and motivating us to press on to improve. Without them, we would not be able to get Distinction. They played a very important role in this Singapore Youth Festival Competition. They gave us a lot of encouragement and boosted our confidence level. Yup, that's my reflection. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Singapore Youth Festival 2013

Today, 23rd April 2013 was the Official Day to Singapore Youth Festival Judging 2013. The consent form wrote 7am to 4pm. This means that we would miss a whole day of lessons again. It was a pity as our Mid Year examinations were coming in 2 weeks time and I am not well-prepared for it.

In the morning, the whole Chinese Orchestra members gathered in the music room in the morning and we did not attend the morning assembly. We needed to tie our hair into the 'Scorpion' style and make up in the AVA Room as we would not have time later. After that, we hurried to the music room to do our last SYF CO combine practice with Mr Chua, our conductor who seemed anxious. He told us to do our best and would definitely be able to do it!

We went off to the Singapore Conference Hall at about 12-1pm. This was the fourth and last time that I would be coming here and I would definitely miss the time spent performing and rehearsing for the Singapore Youth Festival Judging as I guess I would not touch or play my Zhong Ruan anymore after my Secondary School CCA is over.

We were all nervous, anxious and excited. We went into the Hall with confidence and pride, walking as though it was our stage, our performance and my last performance in Chinese Orchestra. The time passed quickly and we finished the rhythm of the Sea SYF song. Next up, was Jiang Ruan and Jiang Nu. Hoping I would not make any obvious and weird mistakes, I played it with confidence.

After the performance and the bow, we went out of the hall and put back our instruments. Everyone was discussing what went well and wrong and prayed that we would get Certificate of Distinction to bring pride and glory to Chinese Orchestra and to our school. 

March Holiday SYF CO Practice

Today, was another day of March Holiday SYF Practice. Although it was a holiday, but as SYF is approaching, there was definitely more practice. We had to reach school, music room, by 8am. For the 'La Song'. The song that half of us had to sing while we are performing. We had to remember the lyrics, know its rhythm and sing it out loudly. The practice was from 8am to 12pm.

It was easy to remember and I kept practicing at home. Even though I only needed to sing the last line but "All for One, One for All", since half of us were going to remember and sing it, then I should remember it too. As I am still a Chinese Orchestra member. It was great and I always sing it when I am walking home. But I think that the "La Song" which is a "Min Yao" is a bit weird and feel that the members will not sing it loudly as they are all so shy. Hopefully, I am wrong and it would all go well.

After a 45 minutes practice of that, our Chinese Orchestra Conductor came and we started to practice with our instruments. Although we did not put in the song during our practice as were not prepared, I hope that we can put it in in our next practice which is next monday. Hopefully, all goes well and we would get the 'Certificate of Distinction' for SYF judging. 

SYF CO Practice

Today, on 4th February 2013, there was another SYF CO practice. From February month onwards, there will be Sectional Practice on Monday, 2.15pm to 5.15pm, Friday after school, 12.35pm to 4pm and lastly, which is so unfortunate, we also have to come to school every Saturday, from 10am - 1pm, for sectional practice. Because of this, I will have lesser time to study or do what I want to do or rest. 

The competition will be held at Singapore Conference Hall during the April Month. So, there will a total of 4 CO practices a week including the friday morning CCA Day. However, I feel that these practices are necessary because we want to achieve the Certificate of Distinction for the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Judging 2013. But I also feel that Friday afternoon, we should not stay back for CCA as WHY is there CCA DAY in the first place? One reason is to let the CCAs take place in the morning so that the students can go back early and do their homework in the afternoon. So by staying back for another round of CCA, I would feel so restless most of the time. As my music instructor will only come on Monday practices, so it will be very boring on Friday practices. 

Anyway, today's practice was in the music room. It was as usual, playing the SYF songs : "Rhythm of the Sea", "The Fourth Chapter:  江源" and "江怒"。We also practiced the songs from the NUS Examination Grade 3-5 songs to help us to improve our skills further. It was a great day and the day passed too quickly.

Badminton with Rachel 22nd March 2013

Today, 22nd March 2013, I went with Rachel and her family and her tuition teacher to play badminton at Fuchun CC. We went into the hall there and started to put the net up. We took out our badminton rackets and shuttlecocks. We played in pairs. Me and Rachel had not played for a few months but we managed to play badminton without picking up the shuttlecocks too many times.

I realised that I had improved even though I had not been playing for a while. That was weird. It was raining heavily after one long hour of playing badminton. It started raining at about 3pm. But we were happy that we were playing indoors. Then we took turns to play badminton and we were all sweating profusely, After about another 1 hour and so, we packed up and left. It was a great day of physical activity. I felt happier and less stressed after playing badminton. It was a fun day.

PE Lesson 30th January 2013

Today, on 30th January 2013, I had a one-hour PE lesson with the two Australian teachers. It was great for them to be our teachers as their games are so fun and exciting. I am always looking forward to their games and their PE lessons from the first day they took my class. As it is really so cool and we get to learn a new sport.

Anyway, during PE lesson, we started to practice on the ball game. We had to split into 4 groups. My group had to form 2 lines in front of the net. We had to throw the ball at the net and the net will bounce the ball to the other side. Then the other person from the other line had to catch the ball to score a point. I saw my friend keep missing the net and the ball flew over the net. It was funny. 

Then, we had a match against the other 3 groups. It was hard to score but the Australian teachers said that we did better this time as we manage to score quite a number of goals not like last time, when no group scored a single goal for their team. This PE lesson was awesome. :)



Today is 22nd February 2013, Friday. After going for my CCA until 3.30pm, I went down to the canteen to assemble. Today was the day where I would be going with my secondary 4 class to CHINGAY with the elderly. Our priority and objective of this VIA Event was to make those elderly from Joy Centre happy on this very day that they will remember this day and night as one of the happy moments of their life. Hopefully, that is what I wish for my assigned elderly. I will be partnering with Wan Hoon. We went to buy Ponchos from Vista Point for our classmates as many of them did not bring it.

After boarding the bus, Wan hoon requested for the window seat, I prayed that it would not rain today so that the day would be perfect. As the floor will be wet when it rains. And if that happens, the elderly will be more prone to falling down and we would definitely not want to see that happen. Hopefully, every thing goes well today, I said to myself.

We went to the Joy centre to meet the elderly and eat dinner with them. Some had families with them but most of them did not. Me and Wan hoon was very excited and enthusiastic. When the rest of my classmates sat down at a corner to eat their dinner, we went around giving the elderly the food and drinks provided by the centre. If we don't give out, then who will? We thought. This was my duty anyway. A few aunties saw me poke the straw into their drinks for them as they did not have strength to do it (We were ordered to poke the straw into the drinks first anyway). The aunties was like impressed. And then as I noticed that, I failed to poke the straw into the drink for the next one. I was distracted. After seeing them happily eat their food and no one was left unnoticed, we went to join the rest of our classmates for dinner. By then, they had already finished half of their packet food.

Then, we had a small briefing and went to the bus to the F1 pit where the Chingay event would be held this year. We reached there after 45 minutes on the bus. Walking side by side with my assigned elderly and trying to remember her face, what she was wearing, we walked for about 10 minutes to the Yellow sector of the F1 pit. It was a very long distance. After that, we asked her if she needed to go toilet and brought her to the toilet. We were supposed to be with her at all times. After that, we brought her back to her seat and we were instructed to go off to our seats in the Chingay event. After watching the show which was spectacular and an eye-opener, we took the elderly back to the bus. It was a long wait to the bus as there was a very long queue and was very crowded. I tried to prevent other people from pushing my elderly so that she will not get hurt. 

After boarding the bus back to the Joy centre, I went to the back of the bus with Wan hoon and slept. After reaching Joy Centre, the elderly alighted and we said good bye to them. They thanked us for our efforts and left. Then I went back to sleep again. Upon reaching Woodlands MRT Station, I woke up and everyone alighted from the bus. We said good bye to each other. It was a great experience especially when we get to assist the elderly and have a so-called class outing with my classmates. It is the second best VIA event that I had ever done.

CIP involving National Arts Council and National Library Board

Northwest CDC with National Arts Council and National Library Board

On 15th December 2012, it was the day where I did my Community involvement programme (CIP) at the library. My job was to give out flyers outside the library and persuade people to go for the program that would be happening later. I met many different kinds of people and saw a lot of people going in and out of the library. Stopping them, I introduced the program and asked them to bring their kids later to watch the puppet show happening later if they had kids with them.

My targeted audience is parents with children at the age of 3-6 years old. This event helps me to boost my confidence and initiative in talking to strangers and promoting them this program 'The Puppet Show' for the National Library Board and the National Arts Council. 

I met new friends during this community involvement programme and we exchanged handphone numbers and facebook too. Meeting new people in life and making friends is something interesting and I believe in affinity that when two people meet, it is fate that brought us together. That is what learnt in this programme. Anyway, the puppet show was very interesting and exhilarating.

Sec 1 Orientation Day 2 2013

On 3rd January 2013, it was the second day of the Sec 1 Orientation. I felt more prepared and relaxed as I know my sec 1  group now and they know me too. So it would be easier to control the group today. But today, Shahidah, came to join Class 1N7 as a student facilitator. She was in my group. So now my group has 2 student facilitators, me and Shahidah. After reaching the classroom, we said Good Morning to them and they said Good Morning to us and the teachers. We split them back into 4 groups and I brought them outside the classroom to gather first. I introduced Shahidah to them and asked them to introduce themselves to her. They were all quite shy. Then I told them that we will be doing the Whiz Challenge today and gave them the list. I told them the more things that they do in the list, the more points they get. Soon, the time was up and we had to go to the Indoor Sports Hall (ISH) to assemble. They were given their break and was told to be back in the hall after that for their cheers.

Time passes quickly and it was time for the Class Cheer. Wen Zhong had already figured out their Class Cheer and taught it to them. Each Class started to perform the Class Cheer in front of the rest of the classes. Then it was time for Class 1N7 to perform, they were so shy and so soft compared to just now, when they said the cheer so loudly at one corner. Wen Zhong felt disappointed as they did not do their very best and was so shy suddenly. Then the teachers gave out the prizes to all the Classes. Each class sent a representative to collect the prize. After that, we gave them a form to evaluate the program and us, the student facilitators. Then we collected it back and passed it to the teachers. It was the end of the Sec 1 Orientation 2013.

Then, it was their break. We told them to go for their break and be back in their classroom. We said our goodbyes. It was time for their form teacher contact time after that before going for their Chingay Practice. Then. I did my reflection, handed it up and saw the comments written by my Class 1N7. It was great and were all positive comments. I felt happy for myself. It was a great experience!

Sec 1 Orientation 2013

On 2nd January 2013, I participated in the Sec 1 Orientation last year 2012 and this year 2013. The date for the Orientation was on 2nd and 3rd of January 2013. I went for the second Orientation training during the December holidays. I was taking Class 1N7. My Group members are Aini, Wen Zhong, ZI Yuan, Regina, Fasyira and Saiful. We introduced ourselves to the Sec 1N7 students and ask them to change into their PE attire. After about 5 minutes, we started to move the chairs and tables to the side of the classroom with them and ask them to put their bags behind the classroom. 

Then we started to play the icebreaker games with the whole class. We played Squash and Blow Wind Blow. It was great. I could see that the students were having fun. Then, we got them to sit down in the centre of the classroom and taught them the 'GOOD JOB!' Cheer to encourage them. Then we released them for their recess at 10am and told them to be back in the classroom by 10.35am. During my recess, I went back to my class to hand in $2.50 to my form teacher for the new handbook 2013 and chatted with my friends at the same time. Apparently, they did almost nothing and was chatting the whole time. It was great that there was no lessons as I will not miss anything that was taught. 

Then I went back to Class 1N7. We split them into 4 groups. I took Group 3 and was the only student facilitator leading my group. The rest of student facilitators paired up. So we had 4 groups in total. I led my group through the Amazing Race. Although it was hard to get their attention, but it went quite smoothly but they took about 20 minutes to finish the Sudoku Puzzle with a bit of help from me. Then I took them back to class for their Form Teacher contact time. After that we practiced our SF cheers, did a debrief and went for lunch. Then we went to the hall to do the Chingay Practice with the sec 1s but we left earlier. It was a great day with not much problems.

Performing in North West Arts Roadshow!!

On 20th January 2013, it was the day of the event where Chinese Orchestra would be performing in public again, It would be at Bukit Panjang Plaza, level 2, at the garden. The event is called the Northwest Arts Roadshow. I was extremely enthusiastic about this performance as it would be my very last time performing in Chinese Orchestra in public. I went to school earlier to start preparing for the performance later on. My percussion members were moving the drums down to the first floor to the truck. Unfortunately, it was raining which caused us a bit of inconvenience. The members seem very excited about the event later on.

Then Ms Chew ask the sections to go down to the canteen one by one to wait for the bus. First was the erhu section then it was the Zhong Ruan section. We walk down to the canteen and I ask them to put the Zhong Ruan properly. I scolded Pei Ling, the current Sectional Leader of Zhong Ruan Section as she was totally not doing her duty properly. Anyway, we took the bus to Bukit Panjang Plaza. The bus trip took 20 minutes. Then I went to put down my instrument and bag. And then I went to help out the percussion to move the drums up to the second floor through the lift. 

Then the performance came, we played the Rhythm of the Rain, Gong Xi, Xiao Bai Nian, Hua Gu Diao. And the percussion people did the fanfair too. It was great and although we made a lot of mistakes during the performance, I felt happy. Our teachers, seniors and the public were supporting us. It was a very great experience. But I felt that the stage was too small and because of that, most of the juniors could not perform which I felt that it was a pity.  But overall, it was a great experience for me!!!

CCA Combine Practice

On 12th January 2013, I had another combine practice. We are going to perform on the 20th January 2013. The event is called the North West CDC Arts Roadshow.  So since it is just one week away, we had to come back on 12th January 2013 which is a saturday, to practice the Chinese New Year songs and Rhythm of the Rain. The Chinese New Year songs are "Hua Gu Diao", "Gong Xi" and "Xiao Bai Nian". This is our Values-In Added(VIA) event for the year. 

We practiced it for one hour then we practiced the SYF songs - "Jiang Yuan", "Jiang Nu" and "Rhythm of the Sea". We practiced and practiced. And then Mr Chua, our conductor gave us 15 minutes break. The percussion made him so mad that he kept dropping his conductor stick. Then the members around him had to keep picking up his conductor stick from the floor and passing it back to him. He was anxious as the SYF date was nearing but we were still lacking far behind the other schools. It was nerve-wrecking. Then, after we kept our instruments, stands and chairs, we sat in the middle of the music room for the teacher to say announcement. Ms Chew said that we were have another practice next saturday, 19th January 2013 and we should be bringing home our instruments to practice. Then we were dismissed.

Friday CCA DAY

Today, 11th Jan 2013 is CCA Day, but it was also the Boys Brigade (BB) Day! The sec 1s to sec 4s had to assemble in the school hall for morning assembly. All classes went back to the classroom to put down their bags and hurry to the hall for assembly. It was quite messy, some people could not hear the announcement. I was at the music room from 7am to 7.20am to arrange the chairs and stands for combine practice later. I hurried down after locking the music room door. Then I saw all my friends going to the hall with their student handbook. I went to the hall after putting down my bag.

Then the morning assembly started, we sang the national anthem and recited our Singapore Pledge. Then the Boys Brigade did the marching and after about 2 hours, we started our CCA practice. We practiced the Chinese New Year songs - "Hua Gu Diao", "Gong Xi" and "Xiao Bai Nian" only as there was not enough time to practice the SYF songs or Rhythm of the Rain. There is not much things that happen today as the Chinese New year songs is very easy to learn and play. We were going to perform at Bukit Panjang Plaza on 20th January 2013. We are going to perform 2 Chinese New Year Songs, Rhythm of the Rain and the percussion fanfair. It will surely be a great experience.