Thursday, September 5, 2013

Prelims Just Ended!!!!

My Secondary 4 Preliminary Examinations just ended after 2 long weeks. I think my examinations was not well done as I feel that I was very unprepared compared to the other examinations in the past. I hope that I would do well, of course, as this is my role of a student. Anyway, my notes for  'O' level is not finished and that MOE-Cambridge exam is nearing. About 40 + Days left to the start of  'O' level examinations. I am so anxious everyday, this is seriously nerve-wrecking.

However, my friends seem normal, not nervous. I wonder if it is because they are rich and can afford to go overseas to study if they do badly for 'O' level. I want to do well so badly but I can't make my body move. Just one word to describe me now : LAZY. Sigh~~ Wondering when can I start to focus... Please start to focus now, my mind and body. Motivation and Encouragement is very important to me, I guess..

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