Friday, October 8, 2010

An Unhappy Day...

Today, 8th October 2010, Friday. I went to eat lunch with my two friends and we ate spagetti with chicken. It cost $5 something. My mum says that I have so little pocket money and yet I go eats such expensive stuff...... My pocket money is $4 a day. And because of this, something happen and my brother got involved too which made the matter worse!!! Because he is such a busybody and puts his nose into everything. My mother had decided that I will walk home from school or if my dad does not send me to school, I will have to walk to school from home. I shall save enough money by not eating recess and lunch for my bus fare. I don't care, I am not going to walk, it is such a long way (about 25minutes walk) and even my mother would give up walking!!!!!! She still wants me to walk I have so many frustrations with my mother.

MY DAD IS THE MOST WONDERFUL, DILIGENT, GREAT, HARD WORKING, CARING AND AMAZING MAN, I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU DADDY! OH, he also gave me a computer so that I don't have to fight over the computer with my mother. I will also have my CLASS camp soon. And the only thing I would miss is my dad, my computer and my bed.

Oh ya, My friend and classmate treated me and her friend to Ajisen Ramen at CauseWay Point!!!!!!! It was delicious, I love the Chicken Teriyaki Set the best!!!!! And I could finish the whole bowl of rice. That was the first time I ate so much!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to my friend. :p

Saturday, May 22, 2010


I will be going for a interview to be a COUNCILOR!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! I have alot of songs to practice for my CO CCA. But 2/3 of the songs I get have G diao so that means I will only have to focus on the song that is not G diao as I am very good in G diao. At least the very basic.... Hehe....


What do I want to do during the June Holidays? I want to finish all my homework in the first week, I want to assesment books during the rest of the week and my rest day is Sunday and I want to study hard for my End-Year Examinations so that hopefully I will be lucky enough to not enter Normal Academic or what we call "NA". I want to remain in Express for the four years that I have in my Secondary School so I have decided to try and beat my friend Chips which is his nickname. I know it will be quite difficult but I will try to succeed in my goal. So now that means I have a goal to fulfill!!!!!!!! Yeah! :)

I will be going to my CO camp soon in June. This will be my first time going for a camp as my mother did not allow me to go as she was worried so I will persuade my mother to let me go.....
For the whole June holidays, I will have to go back to school on some days for my CCA..... Orh man........

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Science projects........

Today, my homework was to do the Soya Bean research which I will take over after my friend had done the first half and my second science project is on the SCIENCE RESEARCH MODULE BOOKLET AND REPORT that only me and one of my team members helped me while the rest only did small parts but at least they did help!!!!!!!! My house has three Japanese Wind Chimes now....... I am doing my science project now, so stressful still after the examinations. But I had FAILED Geography and Science already. My history was 57/100, my mother tongue was 66.5/100, my mathematics paper 1 was 39/70 and paper 2 was 47/70 so upon hundred for math, I scored 71. I hoped not to fail my other subjects anymore as I cant take it, I have never failed so much before without a valid reason or maybe I am not studying hard.... I think. My mum bought a black long sleeve shirt for me today.... :) I want to watch my anime--

Monday, May 17, 2010


On 17th May 2010 which is a monday, I had a very interesting day. THAT IS ''I HAVE NEVER EVER WENT FOR A SCIENCE FAIR COMPETITION IN THE ROOMS BUT I HAVE BEEN TO THE SCIENCE CENTRE WHEN I WAS IN MY PRIMARY SCHOOL!'' I have went to the Sciencce Centre for about three times already but this was the first time I get to explore with my friends. I had a whale of my time. I took two videos about my teachers talking with my Sec 1 Science teacher captured inside too, which was not longer than one minute. I love the Science Fair competition but I will never go again as I dont know any thing about Science or you can call a Science Idiot.......I hoped that my team will be able to at least get a BRONZE MEDAL for my school and my teacher. My team has three members including me, one of my Woodgrove friend and the other guy who looks very handsome and formal when wearing the school blazer. We are all from the same class. He is very smart and he answered every question that the Judges in the room asked whereas me and my friend was standing there like a statue.... He should claim all the credit. I miss my best friend which is SY in short form, I hoped to see her soon during the holidays.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Late Night Sleep.....

I am waking up late and sleeping late and i only wake up at around 10.15am and sleep at the earliest 11pm and latest 12.30pm. So crazy right? Well, I just dont want to sleep so early and I am so bored at home but yesterday 15th May 2010, I borrowed three english books that is for my age from the Public Library. My other has asked me to borrow chinese novels to read too and I will gradually learn to like and appreciate it. So I am intending to borrow chinese novels in my secondary school instead of the Public Library as there are no interesting novels in the Public Library.


Tomorrow, 17th May 2010, I will be going for a competition which is the

I am so looking forward to it but also so not wanting to go. I dont know what I must be thinking for signing up for the compition which is TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHH........ I am drinking my coke that my dad bought yesterday when me, my brother and him went to the spectacle shop for my dad to get a new expensive spectacle. Then we went to NTUC FairPrice to buy the groceries and bought the carton of coke too which I am drinking now.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sad truth.........

On 15 May 2010, I agree with my mother that love does last forever....... My daddy and mummy prefers to talk to my brother more than me......I dont know why. But I think my love for my father and his love for me has grown lesser which means he does not really love me anymore while my brother and my father love is growing blossoms. which means my father loves my brother more than me now. I think 1 reason of this is because my STUDIES is not so good and my brother's studies is so much better than mine and he had won a EAGLES award to prove his leadership qualities...... I am sad. But I just cant study but my mum says that I could if I had study harder and stop watching so much television. I have just sit for my Mid-year examinations and I think I have failed Design and Technology (D&T), Geography, History and maybe Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology all inside two booklets that was tested on the same day) but I am very sure that I will be able to pass but not with flying colours of course, English, English Literature and Maths paper 1 and 2.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Homework Checked!

On 4th April 2010, i have finished my homework at 2.30pm sharp. Not a single second misses! Yeah! :) I am playing pet society now. hehe..............

The day when I found out my father was my real relative!!!

On 3th April 2010- saturday, my mother tried to beat me with the cane that she bought specially to cane me a few years ago......... luckily, I ran to the living room where my father was watching television and he protected me then because my mother could not do anything so she went to the study room to watch anime. I think she is addicted to anime. She watched the anime from 2pm to 9.30pm. Crazy Woman!!!!!!!!!!!( Just a casual remark, dont take it too seriously! )

Haha, my father is my lucky star and he is my best and wonderful father ever. I love you, dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will FOREVER love you but I know love wont last forever( that is what my mum says) but I will try and make the love last as long as possible!!!!!!!!!! :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Weird day!

This morning on April's fool day, I was feeling quite excited. I dont know why. Then after D&T lesson, I felt so restless, stressed and tired. I dont know why maybe it is because of the acyrlic dust. I did not bring water bottle so I was feeling very thisty, maybe I am not fit to be the Vice- Chiarperson of 1E2 cos I cant cope with so much work with so limited time. Sometimes, I feel so stressed in class that I cant do anything about but just lie down in class on my chair and close my eyes while teacher is teaching. I cried today in front of Miss Siti, I dont understand why maybe it is because I have always have a phobia of meeting the teacher who I dont really know(not close relationship) in person then I will start to cry. I dont know..... I went home and I saw Daniel from 1E2 going into the Woodgrove Condo. Many of my friends live there. I wonder if Miss Siti will tell my other teachers who teach me. I am quite a shy person although I talk alot. Helping the teachers carrying stuff like books or papers is what I use to do in Primary school so I dont find it as a good deed but I feel happy when I help the teachers. I dont know why I cried, the tears just drop like running water maybe it is because I am too stressed and tired.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Father's birthday

Todaay is father's birthday. I woke up late today and mother and brother went out for something. My father went to the Casino after we ate our lunch so I am left at home. He ate Nasi Briyani while I ate Teriyaki and Scallop Bento. It was delicious. I went to play Pet society at facebook but cannot get in.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Time Flies Like The Wind.....

Life has been so boring and exhilirating sometimes. Time flies so fast that I forgot to write new posts in my blog but never mind as no one will be reading my blog I guess. My class camp is coming and it will be in April so I am very excited about this as I have never went for camps. I am the class vice-chairman of 1/2 in my Secondary School. Wherever I go in school, People who know me or don't know me will all say that I am cute. The chairman Charanpal wa being sacked by Miss Wong my form teacher as he does not really do anything so now the chairman is Roystein. I like a few boys in my class but I dont intend to start a relationship with any of them. So They are: Ding Sheng and Dylan. Dont tell anyone about this as I hate rumours and gossip-mongers. The WORLD MATHS DAY is tomorrow-3rd March 2010 and my E-learning day is on 10th March 2010 which is one week later. I have a lot of homework to do so I wont really have the time to write my blogs on the website but I will try to write when I am free. Miss Wong is my favourite teacher in Secondary School for now as my favourite primary school teacher is Mr Sebastion Lau.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Chinese New Year Celebration!!!!!!!!!!

I did not get a lot of hong bao/red packets this year as I did not visit my mum's three sisters because my mum does not want to see them.But I ate Yu sheng on 21 Feb 2010.

Friday, February 5, 2010


It was a rainy day. I had my second math test and first english test on 5th Feb 2010. It was not so hard. My english test was to write a essay of " A Memorable Birthday!", I wrote 4 pages long and had wrote 667 words. I had broken my previous record of 422 words. I did not wirte a real or good story though. The math test was fine but I think I am going to fail my math test as I found out that I had a lot of careless mistakes. "SHIT!" I said when I knew that I had made Serious careless mistakes from easy questions.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

FEEL LIKE...................

I feel like commiting suicide but have no courage. I dont know why I feel that way. I did all my homework is for my mum's sake but today when I show her my chinese jounal book which had 9/10. She was angry for no reason and just sign so big and untidy. I had to correction tape it away as it is so ugly!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~ I want TO BE A BAD GIRL BY TALKING BAD AT THE TEACHER, NOT HANDING UP THE HOMEWORK AND OTHER BAD STUFF EXCEPT FOR ILLEGAL STUFF. BUT I dont have the courage and teachers will scold me and my parents will scold and beat me. I HAVE NO COURAGE AND CONFIDENCE AND I FEEL SO USELESS.

**Sorry for any inconvenience caused to anyone who reads this.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


There are so many class tests for so many subjects coming up this week and next week!!!!!!! :( SO STRESSFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!! For every homework or assignment I do, the marks will be added in the CA1 Marks!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH........ The class tests marks will also be added into the CA1 marks. My mum thinks that I lack in confidence........ do I? I think I do. I wish that I can do well in all my subjects and at least get a B3 for all. I want to be a good student and I dont want to fail any of my subjects. I listen to my teacher teach and hand in my homework on time.

I pray that FATHER, u will help me in my studies although I dont study so hard but please let me get a B3 for all my subjects at least. I want to do my parents proud so I pray in the name of CHRIST JESUS. Amon.

Sunday, January 31, 2010


On 30 January 2010, I went to Sembawang, Sun Plaza with my mother to play the Chinese New Year games and to watch the Performing Arts, drums. In the end, there were no fun games to play and the performance was 3 hours away so we decided to go to the Library there to read books. After 1 whole hour, we went to CauseWay Point to shop and we ate our dinner at Long John Silver. My mother bought my timedrive at Guardian. It cost $24.90 and it is 8GB. It is so cool and small!!!!!!!! YEAH, finally have my own timedrive. I have not put any files inside yet but I will surely use it for my projects!!!!!:)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

About School!!!!!

I find Tessa okay now as one day, I was waiting at CauseWay Point for my mum and brother to finish watching the movie as I did not want to go home. No one was at home. I went to Macdonalds to buy a vanila ice-cream when I saw Tessa and her gang buying food from Macdonalds. After I ate my ice-cream, I went to their table to chat with them as I was bored. Then Tessa offered me a seat after some time. When they were done eating, they put away their trays and cleared away their food. Then we went to the Library to do our homework when we saw a librarian chasing away three teenagers, a lady and two men. At 4.45pm, Sherleen- apart of Tessais gang decided to go StarsBuck Coffee. Her pocket money is $20 per day every week, SO RICH!!!!! I bought Coffee for my mother and I accidentally spilled some of it on my school uniform. I said thanks and bye to them. I left at 5pm and took a bus home. Tessa is a okay girl.


On 29 January 2010, I pierced my ears. It was so painful that I groan for 30 minutes. My mum had forced to pierce my ears as I am not young anymore and alot of teenagers have pierced their ars already. My mother had order 3 sets of earrings for me and it would arrived two weeks later. The earrings are quite nice and It cost a total of 23.80 singapore dollars if I have remember correctly. The piercing cost $12 and I pierced my ears at CauseWay Point. The shop name is 77th Street, next to Chamelon. My ears does not hurt anymore and I did not regret piercing my ears. HAHAHA!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Today is 27 January 2010, Wednesday. I love Art now as my art teacher is Mr Anthonio. He is a great and humourous person who loves art!!!! He said he will give the class remedial next week. HOORAY!!!!!!! Today he wants us to make some stuff like animals from the computer. The website that I went was I liked that website. Whoever is reading this, you can read this too. HAHAHA!! I got quite a bit of homework to do so I wont write very long. Shi yao called me asking me if I would go for the WoodGrove Primary School Celebration Chinese New Year on 12 Feb 2010. I told her maybe but of course I will(for a short while only). I need to go home to do homework on that day too so I am very busy everyday except for weekends where I will relax and read the newspaper. Bye.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

OKAY SUNDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today 24 January 2010 which is also a Sunday, I find that today is OKAY life!!! But Secondary School life is still very tough as the homework given is too much but I like too have a lot of homework. HAHAHA!! I dont know why. I got alot of stuff to do when I get home like bathe, do homework, pace my bag, eat dinner, watch Television, use internet, drink Chocolate Milk, go toilet, and alot of other stuff that I must do in one day. SO STRESSFUL BUT FUN!!!!! :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Secondary School!!!!!

I have not wrote for a long time and I will not write so much today as I am in a hurry to watch my show. I went to Christ Church Secondary School this year and I find the school okay but there is only one problem and that is a girl called T****. She is my classmate, she likes to talk back at the teachers, shakes her leg, call people EXTRA and say vulgarites like walao, wa bang. SO UNCULTURED LITTLE GIRL!!!!!!! While people call me cute everyday, she is getting scolded my teachers and call me EXTRA at the same time. SO STUPID!!!!! I hoped she WILL get out of the secondary school soon or go to NA next year as she never listens in class unless she is scared of the teacher. T**** is a mean, rude, rough and untidy girl but I pity her as bullies are always sad or upset before they bully other people but in her case, maybe not. She has Ezcema like me but she cant take care of her condition well but I can. Some credit goes to my mother. I got alot of homework to do on the first day of school and I am studying 10 subjects now, I have joined Chinese Orchestra in my Secondary School. I am still playing the zhong ruan (medium moon guitar). I got a lot of projects to do too and I am meeting my friends at the Woodlands Library on Saturday. Shi Yao and Jia Ying went to Evergreen Secondary School as their results are better than mine. I make a good friend and her name is called Kanti Lupi. She is a kind, intelligent, diligent, hardworking and she does not learn chinese but instead she learns malay and she knows how to speak simple chinese. I like my classmate, Kanti, alot as she is a great friend although I dont know alot about her. Bye!!!!!!!! Reminder to whoever reads my blog: Spread T****'s name worldwide and make her a laughing stock.