Saturday, May 22, 2010


What do I want to do during the June Holidays? I want to finish all my homework in the first week, I want to assesment books during the rest of the week and my rest day is Sunday and I want to study hard for my End-Year Examinations so that hopefully I will be lucky enough to not enter Normal Academic or what we call "NA". I want to remain in Express for the four years that I have in my Secondary School so I have decided to try and beat my friend Chips which is his nickname. I know it will be quite difficult but I will try to succeed in my goal. So now that means I have a goal to fulfill!!!!!!!! Yeah! :)

I will be going to my CO camp soon in June. This will be my first time going for a camp as my mother did not allow me to go as she was worried so I will persuade my mother to let me go.....
For the whole June holidays, I will have to go back to school on some days for my CCA..... Orh man........

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