Thursday, April 1, 2010

Weird day!

This morning on April's fool day, I was feeling quite excited. I dont know why. Then after D&T lesson, I felt so restless, stressed and tired. I dont know why maybe it is because of the acyrlic dust. I did not bring water bottle so I was feeling very thisty, maybe I am not fit to be the Vice- Chiarperson of 1E2 cos I cant cope with so much work with so limited time. Sometimes, I feel so stressed in class that I cant do anything about but just lie down in class on my chair and close my eyes while teacher is teaching. I cried today in front of Miss Siti, I dont understand why maybe it is because I have always have a phobia of meeting the teacher who I dont really know(not close relationship) in person then I will start to cry. I dont know..... I went home and I saw Daniel from 1E2 going into the Woodgrove Condo. Many of my friends live there. I wonder if Miss Siti will tell my other teachers who teach me. I am quite a shy person although I talk alot. Helping the teachers carrying stuff like books or papers is what I use to do in Primary school so I dont find it as a good deed but I feel happy when I help the teachers. I dont know why I cried, the tears just drop like running water maybe it is because I am too stressed and tired.

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