Saturday, January 30, 2010

About School!!!!!

I find Tessa okay now as one day, I was waiting at CauseWay Point for my mum and brother to finish watching the movie as I did not want to go home. No one was at home. I went to Macdonalds to buy a vanila ice-cream when I saw Tessa and her gang buying food from Macdonalds. After I ate my ice-cream, I went to their table to chat with them as I was bored. Then Tessa offered me a seat after some time. When they were done eating, they put away their trays and cleared away their food. Then we went to the Library to do our homework when we saw a librarian chasing away three teenagers, a lady and two men. At 4.45pm, Sherleen- apart of Tessais gang decided to go StarsBuck Coffee. Her pocket money is $20 per day every week, SO RICH!!!!! I bought Coffee for my mother and I accidentally spilled some of it on my school uniform. I said thanks and bye to them. I left at 5pm and took a bus home. Tessa is a okay girl.

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