Monday, May 17, 2010


On 17th May 2010 which is a monday, I had a very interesting day. THAT IS ''I HAVE NEVER EVER WENT FOR A SCIENCE FAIR COMPETITION IN THE ROOMS BUT I HAVE BEEN TO THE SCIENCE CENTRE WHEN I WAS IN MY PRIMARY SCHOOL!'' I have went to the Sciencce Centre for about three times already but this was the first time I get to explore with my friends. I had a whale of my time. I took two videos about my teachers talking with my Sec 1 Science teacher captured inside too, which was not longer than one minute. I love the Science Fair competition but I will never go again as I dont know any thing about Science or you can call a Science Idiot.......I hoped that my team will be able to at least get a BRONZE MEDAL for my school and my teacher. My team has three members including me, one of my Woodgrove friend and the other guy who looks very handsome and formal when wearing the school blazer. We are all from the same class. He is very smart and he answered every question that the Judges in the room asked whereas me and my friend was standing there like a statue.... He should claim all the credit. I miss my best friend which is SY in short form, I hoped to see her soon during the holidays.

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