Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sad truth.........

On 15 May 2010, I agree with my mother that love does last forever....... My daddy and mummy prefers to talk to my brother more than me......I dont know why. But I think my love for my father and his love for me has grown lesser which means he does not really love me anymore while my brother and my father love is growing blossoms. which means my father loves my brother more than me now. I think 1 reason of this is because my STUDIES is not so good and my brother's studies is so much better than mine and he had won a EAGLES award to prove his leadership qualities...... I am sad. But I just cant study but my mum says that I could if I had study harder and stop watching so much television. I have just sit for my Mid-year examinations and I think I have failed Design and Technology (D&T), Geography, History and maybe Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology all inside two booklets that was tested on the same day) but I am very sure that I will be able to pass but not with flying colours of course, English, English Literature and Maths paper 1 and 2.

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