Saturday, December 24, 2016

A New Start

After having a more relaxed Polytechnic Year 3 life in 2016, with an AWESOME Retail management Semester 1 and a boring Human Resource management Semester 2, I did not achieve much for Year 2016 because my purpose for this year was to let go of all my burdens, CCAs, activities and just enjoy my life. However, now as the year is coming to an end, there was nothing much to think about. 

However, I feel that my life is changing, how I actually perceive things and interpret stuff is changing. Of course, changing for the better. This is because I met a certain friend on LinkedIn and she brought me to this company called Elusyf Global. Being able to grow my skill sets, grow my network, earn some income on a part time basis really boosts my confidence for a better future. To be able to start my own business, at my own accord, with no overheads and capital except for a small amount to buy their products and services. For now, I think its totally worth it as the money can always be earned back somehow or another but meeting all these wonderful professional consultants, speakers and entrepreneurs is a once in a lifetime situation. That's because we are only young once!

My motto is 
"To be able to gain experience at the right time and with the right people! For We Only Live Once!!!"

I think the best part of this business is being able to meet all these kind-hearted people, willing to share their experiences with others unconditionally. Its amazing to see that their product is actually really good with all the real-life testimonials and excellent quality ingredients. They also have excellent trainers to teach youngsters how to sell their products. Its really a sure-earn money business. In addition, its one of the best ways I seen so far that we can actually move away from the traditional method of climbing up the ladder slowly from studying in university to working hard to get a job and slowly get a promotion and a bonus. Instead, it is a conventional method of earning money from young. Work harder at a young age, spend time to work even during the holidays so that we can work less when we are old. 

Hopefully, I will be able to adapt quickly to the new environment, earn back my money and grow my communication and interpersonal skills. This also factors in my ability to express myself better using words and to know my strengths and weaknesses better. As I am aiming to pass the SIT Interview in 2017 because I really feel that this course that I have chosen is exactly the kind of dream job that I want to do in the future. This would be my new year resolution for 2017 and a NEW START as a new entrepreneur.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Worst Semester finally comes with a bang!

I have to admit, studying in Singapore Polytechnic for 2 and a half years has been quite enjoyable. I realised that when I am in a particular group, with efficient and fun group mates, I become happier, more efficient and motivated to do more for the lecturer in that module. With that, I would eventually become less nervous during presentations and score even better. This makes my life as a diploma student more interesting and less tiring with all the projects and examinations. 

And in Year 3 Semester 1, I decided to take the Retail Management specialisation to learn more about the Retail Industry in Singapore and globally. I really loved these modules and the lecturers as well. They were so chirpy and helpful, guiding the class with dedication and professionalism. The projects were awesome and interesting, adding some creativity skills as well. I gained a lot of general knowledge in the Retail sector. So to end off that semester, I felt that it was the best semester in Singapore Polytechnic. 

Unfortunately, my happiness did not last long. I took the Human Resource Management specialisation for Year 3 Semester 2 with two of my friends. I was really really excited to go back to school after that 8 week holiday. However, I met this lecturer. I created a dispute with my group as my two friends did not want me to leave the group. The three of us felt awkward in another group and felt that there was no chemistry in our groups. I told her that I would not be able to produce 100% of my best work for efficiency and productivity of the project because I really wanted to enjoy this module and strive to do even better than expectations. 

So I proposed a solution to help me and one of my friends. But to no avail as the lecturer decided to act like a mother and told us that in the real world, there is no such thing as being awkward. But what she does not understand is that we are now in school and not in the real world. We should have a choice on whether we want to group with someone or not. If this was reality and I met this situation, I would have quit the job and moved on to a much better working environment that would appreciate my skills and experiences more. Yet, the ironic part of this story is that the two friends that forced me in this awkward situation, were as quiet as mouse when the lecturer confronted us. That made me more angry and frustrated at them than at the lecturer.

Well, I know the lecturer is just trying to tell us that even if we have to work with the most difficult person, we have to do it for survival. In my case, for my grades. So I predict that this semester would be the worst semester in my entire Polytechnic life. Left 91 days more before graduation date~~ Hang in there, and I know I will get past this. But seriously, I was really wanting an AWESOME HR semester... ... 

" When all hope is lost, it leaves the room with darkness. There was suppose to be salvation, leaving a trail of light. But it was pitch black, no one to hear the screams of my mind and soul " 
- quoted from AL

P.s. She does not even know LKY is Singapore's Prime Minister because she thinks he is the President. Ironic part? She teaches global stuff on the world but she does not even know our country's politics where she is working at right now. How am I suppose to respect and agree that she has the qualifications to be a lecturer. Well, let nature take its course and what awaits me in the next 17 / 18 weeks is torture and tons of awkwardness.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Past, Present, Future

There is nothing to do
Every day and night
Too difficult to find a job
During the school holidays

Even though there is so much time
there is nothing fun for me to do

Reminiscing the past
Thinking about the wonderful moments
That let me see the light
Thinking about those painful memories
That brought me darkness and solitude

Living in the present
Doing what I think is right
Feeling a sense of accomplishment
Yet, a bit of regret?

Looking forward to the future
Or maybe not?
Hoping to feel a sense of achievement
Where my dreams are coming true

These might be my own story
But wait, it might be yours too~~

Monday, July 11, 2016

Status: Having Mixed Feelings

Status: Having mixed feelings.
So many interesting things happen to me today. My teacher late for lesson due to a clinical appointment, the aircon in the classroom that I thought it broke down, me coming to class 20 minutes early, eating alone at the food court when another group shared the same table as me and started to ask me questions..e.g. I can see you are in business school (cos I was wearing a business school shirt), where are your classmates, your lesson end at what time. And after answering all these questions, I concluded that they should be in Year 1 hahaha. 

No friends, no close classmates, no one to confide to, living a life of solitude, living behind a mask. Though I may seem to know alot of people in school, they are mostly just acquaintances. It's hard to know who really cares for me and who just wants to use you for their own gains... ... Definitely have enemies in school as I mean no one is perfect. Truth is, I am not really an extrovert. I do not like to be a leader. I am more of an introvert, a follower who just needs to follow the leader's instructions and do it. Being a leader is exhausting especially if you are in the same group with slackers, people who procratinate till the very end, no initiative group mates and people who just argue with you every single time you have a discussion. 

On another note, totally tired of my current life. Haha I think I need someone to get rid of my anime habit. Watching anime 24/7 - when I wake up, in the afternoon, on my bed till past midnight~~ (I think my eyesight would get worse)

Well Diary, I guess that's my short story for today. What will my future be like? Hopefully it will be something exciting!!! 😉

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

University feelings (please let me get accepted next year)

In one more year. I will be in University. Hopefully, SIT university's Business school.. I hope I can pass the 3 rounds of interview and I heard from the SIT lecturer that came to SP Open House that they only accept about 100++ applicants for my desired degree course. This is because it is a new course and I think I will be the 2nd / 3rd Batch for that course if they accept me.

I'm really excited to go for Hospitality Business Degree Course next year if I get accepted. As it does not only teach Business but also for people who wants to enter the Hospitality sector!! (Which is my dream). My goal was to enter this course as I knew it is definitely the right course for me. I love customer service, I had a wish once that I want to give everyone I serve the best customer service I could give and show the world that excellent customer service definitely exists in Singapore as well. Why you may ask? As I have seen too many bad customer service in Singapore and most of them comes from youngsters like my age...

Of course, I am interested in Hotel Management or maybe even integrated resorts management. I find this interesting.

To find out my interests, I decided to start working after O Levels during the holidays to experience work and the different types of jobs in Singapore. I wanted to know what kind of jobs I was interested in. So I started as a Retail associate at Robinson's where I learnt cashiering, folding and ironing clothes and a bit on gift wrapping as well, then to a office job at Edufarm Learning Centre where I learnt binding, printing and sending of books to other places. Moving on, I worked at Universal Studio Singapore (USS) as a waitress then to Isetan Scott's for stock taking, and lastly my 6 week internship at Borneo Motors which was another desk-bound job.

Of course, I did this to see the difference between the irregular timings of Retailing (sometimes I stayed until 11pm and reached home at 12+, midnight) and the regular office hours from 8am to 5pm for office jobs.

All of these experiences was fantastic. I found out that I really love jobs that I can learn new things from it and some provides me new opportunities (maybe for job advancement) and also new connections. Totally awesome..

Though at the end of the day, I totally understand the saying that studying is still better than working. 


For some reason, I am feeling lonelier than usual. My heart is telling me I have no real friends. No real friends to confide to, who really understands me, who wants to be my friend even when I show my real self, my weaknesses, my hobbies, my dream.

It seems to be true that when you finally have some friends, you feel a certain happiness but when that time goes by and they left, it makes the heart feel a certain loneliness. But you may say it's just going back in time and being just by yourself again but in fact, that loneliness lingers...deep within that fragile heartbeat.

Nonetheless, it is time to move on even if I have to do so alone with nobody by my side. As the Earth still moves and time will not wait. It's just a matter of time before I find new friends.

Even though it might not last but I wont forget the happy memories that I had before cos that is what makes me.. me.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Poetry / Song Writing - AL

Walking up that tiny, dark road
Just wanna go home
Don't let me go
Bring me back to where I belong
For this is home

Have you ever thought about what lies beyond?
To the future that we all belong
Its hard to say what we do not know
But believing in the path we take
Is the way to go

Don't stop me now
Don't block my path
Even if its shady and dark
I will walk on
To see the tiniest light at the end of the road

Presevere and see the light
For this is the start of a new beginning
A new path, A new way of living
It brings us hope for the future
Even if it might bring misery at the end
of the path


Monday, April 11, 2016

Starting Poly Year 3 Life in 2 weeks time

Oh my, I am starting Year 3 Life in 2 weeks time right after my intern ship which took my whole 6 weeks holiday... However, I am excited to start my Retail Management classes. I am wondering if I should take Japanese language classes to boost my chances of getting into a local university. Though I know that I have no chance of getting into the top few local universities in Singapore any more due to my grades. I was also thinking about going for Sports for Life again as I have "finished my role" in my CCA. Hopefully.. I mean, I did sacrifice my time and effort and tears to fulfil my duty as President in that role for one whole year. Even though I didn't do a very good job, but I know I tried my very best to do whatever I can. It may not have been enough but I know I fulfilled my responsibility. 

Actually I prepared a small speech that I wanted to say to everyone who came, but in the end I didn't manage to say it due to the small number of people that came... but here goes:

"Thank you to my Committee, Seniors, Alumnus and Juniors for supporting me all the way! Thank you for helping us in many many ways. But please continue to come for practices and support the new president and committee. I believe that this year would definitely be better. Let's do our best in the upcoming concerts ahead!!!"

It was quite disappointing to see the number of people that came that day... It really hurt me alot even though I didn't give a disappointed look. But I was really very upset of my seniors that just left after practice or didn't come at all. I mean, you know today is a special day for our CCA but you didn't show up. And then, I kept saying that I wanted to go home as I was tired. But the truth is I was really downhearted, dejected...

Thus, to the words I couldn't say out that day: I stepped down officially on 23rd March 2016, Wednesday at 9.30pm ++. Love you guys alot. However, from this I understand that I am not capable of being a leader, I do not have great leadership skills or people-oriented skills. I realised that I am not the one who can lead and make important decisions for a club or even a company in the future, I guess. Nevertheless, I will preserve and press on. 

Additionally, I end with a quote I just created, 

"Life is hard. But nothing will change if we don't try and press on. Only then, will we find accomplishments and satisfaction" - A.L

Sunday, February 28, 2016


Its been 8 years since I started this blog account. And finally, I am writing my 100 blog post on 28th February 2016, Sunday. The time is 11.11am. Thank you for always reading my worries and frustrations. Thank you to the inventor of this blog. Thank you to the person who invented the internet, computer and mouse so that technology can be so advanced today. Thank you to all my friends and family members for being here with me even if its just a few days. Thank you to my primary, secondary and polytechnic school management, lecturers and other personnels. 

Thank you to you for giving me luck and freedom to do what I wanted to do. You are always fulfilling my wish and all I can think of to repay you is to do good deeds and be more considerate and patient with others. Even so, I still do not understand why some people still dislike me due to my straight forward character and my high-pitch voice perhaps. However, I get that there are always haters around and we cannot please everyone. As long as I know that what I am doing is right, I will not be affected. My friends do say I have a high level of tolerance and I think so too. 

Regards to my beloved 8 year diary ~~


Another 2 more days before my examinations are over and rejoice about it. After my exams are over, it means my Year 2 POLY Life has ended and I will be starting Year 3 POLY Life in April 2016. That means I will be a senior already, time passes so quickly that sometimes I wish it would slow down a bit. However, during my March Holidays from 7 March to 16 April 2016, I will be posted to a car company for a 6 weeks internship, earning an allowance of about $800 per month. I hope I will be able to do my job well, learn fast and make new connections with my colleagues. 

Sometimes, I do still wonder what I want to do with my life if I really cannot go into any university but yet I still do procrastinate all day long. It seems that I need to have some peer motivation to get me going but I know this is an excuse of being lazy. 

Thinking about you and the future
Knowing I shouldn't compare
Yet my heart wavers and my body shivers
Which one should I choose

Procrastination is not an option
It should never have been one
Yet my actions cant prove my love for you
As I have always been lazy 

I know I cant be that
But its just in my mind
Help me stop this
Help me be a person capable of loving you

My actions will lead to my downfall
But there's nothing that I can do
My love, lets break up
I'm wasting your precious time 
Your Precious time ~~~

Monday, February 8, 2016


 Picture taken from the internet. 

大家猴年吉祥, 龙马精神, 恭喜发财, 财源广进, 年年有余, 心想事成, 学习进步, 阖家幸福!

Another year gone by, another year about to start and another set of opportunities being provided to us for realizing all your unfulfilled dreams in this Chinese New Year!!! 

Risk Assessment Workshop

Recently, I had a Risk Assessment Workshop. This was to help CCA Leaders to make their Risk assessment form more professional and detailed and not sloppy. After attending this workshop, I learnt quite a bit of things that I didn't learn before as there was no one there to tell me how to do it. Hopefully, the next Risk Assessment form that I do will be in a better shape and quality than the previous forms.

P.s. I won a SP notepad from this workshop after answering the 8 question quiz. Hehe :D At first, I was first in place but by the time it was the 8th question, I became 2nd in place. The lecturer really knows how to hipe up the atmosphere in the lecture hall to get all the students to listen to him. (Mr HTA).

Business Law Debate Notes

Conditions of Misrepresentation 

  1. Is there a false statement of fact? (5 Elements of Misrepresentation)
  2. If yes, Is there inducement?
    • Did not rely on the statement (Longer time to think = Lesser inducement)
    • Chance to verify the truth of the statement
  3. If yes, Defend the Misrepresentation Case.
    • Prove that there is no fraudulent misrepresentation by showing that the defendant has no intention to deceive the Plaintiff
  4. Limit the Negligence Misrepresentation
    • Have reasonable grounds
      • E.g. False statement of fact happen before the contract / He must be induced into the contract

Barriers to Communication Notes

Barriers to Communication 

  • Noise
  • Status
  • Emotions
  • Over-interpretation
  • Evaluative Tendencies
  • Projection and Stereotypes
  • Arrogance and Superiority
  • Inconsistent verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Language Barriers
  • Poor Listening Habits
  • Lack of Feedback
  • Differences in Perception
  • Role Requirements
  • Poor choice of information medium
  • Lack of honesty

I found this on a piece of paper. Apparently, it is teaching me on communication and effective presentation skills. If only my friend would stop having all these barriers to communications, her biggest barrier is Arrogance and Superiority even though we are of the same age. I think she has almost all of these barriers. That's why we don't really like her as a friend or as a classmate. Her attitude is so bad that even a stranger can tell in school. E.g. she needed to interview a student in her school but even that interviewee felt that she was rude. 

Sigh~~Anyway, I am going to change class soon as Year 3 Semester 1 is coming in April 2016. But before that, I will be doing my internship in March 2016. Can't wait to know which company I am posted to. I really hope it will be something related to Hospitality Business. 

Monday, January 4, 2016

2016 New Year Resolutions

2016 New Year Resolutions

  1. Study harder to achieve a better G.P.A
  2. Work with new committee to bring my CCA to greater heights
  3. Get into an ideal company for my upcoming intern-ship in March 2016
  4. Be able to work in a Hotel over the holidays to get to know and learn their operations
  5. Increase affinity for my relationships 
  6. Remove Procrastination and Weakness 
  7. Widen my connections and Complete N.Y.A.A. Gold
  8. Get into my desired Final Year Project (FYP) group for New Venture Planning