Sunday, February 28, 2016


Another 2 more days before my examinations are over and rejoice about it. After my exams are over, it means my Year 2 POLY Life has ended and I will be starting Year 3 POLY Life in April 2016. That means I will be a senior already, time passes so quickly that sometimes I wish it would slow down a bit. However, during my March Holidays from 7 March to 16 April 2016, I will be posted to a car company for a 6 weeks internship, earning an allowance of about $800 per month. I hope I will be able to do my job well, learn fast and make new connections with my colleagues. 

Sometimes, I do still wonder what I want to do with my life if I really cannot go into any university but yet I still do procrastinate all day long. It seems that I need to have some peer motivation to get me going but I know this is an excuse of being lazy. 

Thinking about you and the future
Knowing I shouldn't compare
Yet my heart wavers and my body shivers
Which one should I choose

Procrastination is not an option
It should never have been one
Yet my actions cant prove my love for you
As I have always been lazy 

I know I cant be that
But its just in my mind
Help me stop this
Help me be a person capable of loving you

My actions will lead to my downfall
But there's nothing that I can do
My love, lets break up
I'm wasting your precious time 
Your Precious time ~~~

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