Tuesday, June 14, 2016


For some reason, I am feeling lonelier than usual. My heart is telling me I have no real friends. No real friends to confide to, who really understands me, who wants to be my friend even when I show my real self, my weaknesses, my hobbies, my dream.

It seems to be true that when you finally have some friends, you feel a certain happiness but when that time goes by and they left, it makes the heart feel a certain loneliness. But you may say it's just going back in time and being just by yourself again but in fact, that loneliness lingers...deep within that fragile heartbeat.

Nonetheless, it is time to move on even if I have to do so alone with nobody by my side. As the Earth still moves and time will not wait. It's just a matter of time before I find new friends.

Even though it might not last but I wont forget the happy memories that I had before cos that is what makes me.. me.

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