Tuesday, June 26, 2012

YouthPhoria Event 2012!!!!!

Recently, I bought tickets for my brother and me and my friends. The ticket was for this event called the 'YouthPhoria' and it was for the young entrepreneurs from different secondary schools and polytechnics. My school set up a booth called "Kampong Craze" and sold items that was in kampongs last time and also sold tidbits at a very expensive price. Me and my friend, Wan Hoon, went to play the carnival games, visit the Singapore Discovery Centre and Army Muesum of Singapore, watch 3D Madagascar 3 movie and we decided to watch the 3D Tornado Alley some other time. All these cost only $6 because of the 'YouthPhoria' event. But we also went to buy the tickets for the 4D Simulation Ride as we were excited and curious and was super eager to try it out. It was totally a fun thing and although it was a short ride, it left a ecth in my heart!! :D I totally love going out with friends and I had a whale of a time at the Singapore Discovery Centre which is at near Joo Koon MRT Station. 

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