Monday, June 11, 2012

busy busy busy during the June Holidays 2012!!!

For the first 2 weeks of the June Holidays, I slacked and was so lazy to do my homework that I forgot that revision is suer important and in the last 2 weeks of the June Holidays, I would be very busy. But I was lazy and procrastinated until now. All of the homework are not completed and I am struggling to complete them before the June Holidays end. Why am I so busy? As I am the EXCO, it is a leadership position in the Council Board. I am the Head of Discipline and I am also the Vice-Chairperson of Chinese Orchestra in my CCA, so I am so busy preparing for camps and other events.

Here are the upcoming events and stuff that I need to do:

  • 12th June - Pack camping bag for Outbound Singapore Camp [OBS] 
  • 13th June - Go play badminton at my friend's house and listen to her long story...
  • 14th June - Hilda invited me to go Wild Wild Wet but I refused as I have Council Meeting with my   fellow Exco members, teacher and his girlfriend
  • 15th June AND 16th June - FREE TIME!!! :D BUT must chiong homework!!! :( and do revision...
  • 17th June - Volunteering at Public Regional Library for 3 hours
  • 18 June to 22 June - Out of Bound Singapore 5D4N Camp (OBS) 
  • 23rd June - Go Singapore Discovery Centre with friends for YouthPhoria event!!!!
  • 24th June - CHIONG homework all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 25th June - School Reopens!!!! 
* Conclusion: Should not have procrastinated!!! Wasted a lot of time and now, I am struggling to finish my homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

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