Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Stupid Mid-Year Examinations!!!!

Here I am blogging about this year 2012 Mid Year Examinations, it was sort of the worst examinations results I had and the worst up and down feelings I had these few days. Sometimes I feel like crying, sometimes I feel that I need to forget everything and start to play and feel happy as if nothing had ever happened. But in my heart, I know that I had did very poorly even if my friends or even you the person reading this. Let me tell you a summary for my results.

- English  = B4 (I forgot, but I think it is this grade)

- Chinese = B4 / 60 marks upon 100 marks......
          ^ Oral      : 30/40 (Never expected it)
          ^ Paper 1 : Composition part > 18/40........( I can't believe it)
                          : Listening Comprehension > 9/20.... (Need to dig my ear)
          ^ Paper 2 : Comprehension and fill the blanks part > 49/70

- E-Mathematics = FAIL D7 [44 marks] No one in 3E1 & 3E2 passed Mathematics....
  (I feel like smashing my head against the wall and die)

- Combined Science = FAIL D7 [47 marks]
          ^ Physics     > 30 /50 (50% of combined science)
          ^ Chemistry > 17/50  (50% of combined science)

- Combined Humanities = B4 / 62 marks (SO LOW)
          ^ History           > 25 / 41
          ^ Social Studies > 27 / 41

- Principles of Accounts (POA) = A1 / 82 marks (Okay lah , better than I expected it to be)
          ^ Paper 1  > 33 / 40 ( Mostly Theory + A bit of Practical )
          ^ Paper 2  > 49 / 60 ( Mostly Practical + A bit of Theory )

* I told my mother today that I got 82 marks for POA and she got angry and scolded me.... She said I scored 97 marks for CA1 and now I scored 82 marks for SA1 which is Mid Year Examinations. So I did not do well, I am suppose to remain at that standard or do better. What the!!!! I bet if she learn POA, she will fail so badly. She sucks!!!!!!! I can't believe such an unreasonable woman is my mother. I totally prefer my dad to her as she keep on changing her expectations and standard. Damn her!!!!!!! When I do poorly, she ask me to get A1. When I get A1, she want me get 80 marks and above. When I get a rare 82 marks for SA1, she scold me for not keeping my standard at 97 marks in CA1.....

What is CA1 and SA1?
- CA1 results is all the homework and assignments and class tests put together to form the results.
- SA1 results is just the exam papers alone.

So I feel that I totally did fine in Principles of Accounts (POA) Exam!!! :D
Although I did badly for the rest, I don't care anymore as I will strive harder during the June Holidays and get a B3 for my E-Maths!!!! Jia You !!!! I can do it!!!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012


The Argo Resort BATHROOM Shower!!!

I went for this Community Involvement Programme (CIP) - To climb Mount Bintan and to interact with the local Bintan orphans there. They are malays and are living in the orphanage. The coach tells us that we need to have 3 things in mind when we go there: Sympathy, Empathy and one more, I forgot. hehe :D

I went there with my class 3E2 and also 3E1 with a few teachers: Ms Wendy Chew, Mr Iwan, Mr Isman and a few others. It was a 1 hour bus ride from school to Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal, and after all the check in by the Singapore Security thingy, we boarded the ferry to Bintan. It was a dizzy ferry ride. It took 45 minutes from Tanah Merah to Bintan Ferry Terminal. I ate sour plums, chips, seaweed and coco pops (a type of chocolate cereal) to gain more energy to climb the mounain later. I was in a group with Queenie, Felicia, Addison, Wan Hoon, Adam and Vernon, my classmates. We decided to do a singing performance as every group was suppose to make a 3 minutes performance. The performance was cancelled at the last minute but we were wanted to sing 'Call Me Maybe"!!! I was relieved that it was cancelled as I cannot sing. I can't even sing ' Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'...

We did a lot things there. I did not even know that climbing Mountain Bintan was not as easy as I thought it was but I still managed to climb it. I want to climb it again!! *Sniff sniff~~ There were a total of 5 pit stops for us to rest and drink water to hydrate myself. I was helping Wan Hoon all the way as she keeps falling and there was once when she almost fell on her buttock but I hold her hand to prevent her from falling. She thanked me and we continued on with our journey. The whole thing was so fun and there is so much to talk about. I really LOVED this experience!!!

High Tech me~~

I feel more high tech now and feel so fortunate. I have made a new account in twitter, skype, and have a cute little netbook, with a smartphone that of course has wifi. I can't believe it. But nowadays, youngsters are very bad and it comes from the primary schools. Because their parents not teaching them well and loves them too much, they received all of these high tech stuff when they are in primary 4 onwards. As the kids saw their friends having it so they want it too but they don't actually need it.. But because the parents love them too much, they buy whatever their kids want. Most kids these days even have iphone...

My Brother's Birthday is coming!!!

My Brother's Birthday is coming again!!! I don't know what to buy for him as my mother is going to give him a red packet again with a small strawberry cake. So I can't give him a cake this year. And his birthday is coming in 5 days and I still ahve not thought of what am I going to give him. Some updates about him so that I will remember: He broke up with his girlfriend from secondary school. And now he is in another relationship with a girl from Hwa Chong Institution. He told my mother that that girl he likes does not have a temper or a bad attitude. Oh well, all guys feel like that for the girl they loved. Love is undefined and blinds the people who have it. That is why only outsiders can see the whole relationship clearly whether are they really in love or not. When my english teacher ask the class to write a love essay, I scored very high marks upon 30. Love, love, love~~~~~

**Love is amazing and it could do wonders to our life. Bring us colours. It is a very spectacular feeling and I hope to feel that one day. 

Brother's birthday for 5th October 2010

I wrote this on 5 October 2010. But I forgot to post this so I am posting it now.
As usual as any other day, my brother went to school and will only be back from 6pm to 7.30pm and I went to school and my mother stayed at home and my father went to work. My father came home earlier(but I think my father did not buy anything for my brother and he does not really buy birthday presents for me and my brother anymore) and me and my mother went to the shopping mall near our home to find and buy a birthday ckae and present for my brother. In the end, me and my mother decided to buy my brother a black shirt with a nice design and buy him a small little cupcake with a small yellow bee on it as I had to pay for it and my mother would not payfor it as she will give my brother a red packet.

Mid-Year Examinations are here again!!!

Mid-Year Examinations are here again and this time, I am in secondary 3. I am totally unprepared for this examination and I already know that I will do very badly in this exam. So that is why I am trying to get focus on my tasks ahead of me!! After publishing this post, I am going to continue to do my homework. I am studying POA, English, Chinese, Mathematics, Combined Science (Chemistry, Physics), Combined Humanities (Social Studies, History Elective) and Art. A total of 7 subjects!

In the midst of Sec 3 Mid-Year Examinations

I am now in the midst of sec 3 Mid-Year Examinations. I have went for English, Chinese, Maths Paper 1, Combined Science-Physics, POA paper 1, Combined Humanities- Social Studies and History. I still need to go and study for POA paper 2 (on tues, 8/5), Combined Science-Chemistry Paper (on wed, 9/5), Maths Paper 2 (on thurs, 10/5) and finally Art Paper [3 HOURS - on friday, 11/5] but there is still one more thing before examinations are over. And that is the English Oral on friday, 11/5!!!! :D

I think I will do well in Chinese and POA Paper 1. Perhaps I will do well in English and Combined Humanities. I think I will fail my combined science as I always fail in science. My combined science Physics teacher, Mr Chai, tells me that the result is not out yet so I should not feel like that. But I know my standard...and I know that it is not the teacher's fault, it is my own problem for physics only. But for chemistry, it is the change of teacher, that made me understand better. And if I really pass my combined science together, I would celebrate!!! I also promised to give Mr Chai a chocolate if I passed!!! Hoping for a miracle to happen!!! :D I know that miracles are rare but still hoping!! I hope that next week I would be better prepared for the examinations!!