Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Secret Files (Game) !!!!!!!!

On 14 December 2009,
I woke up, arrange my bed, brush my teeth, wash my face and eat breakfast as usual. Then, I went to watch television. My father was in the Study room playing computer games and watching shows on the internet.

Finally, at 12.30pm it was time to eat lunch at Vivocity and after my family ate our lunch at Sushi Tei, we went to the Cinema-Golden Village to book the tickets. It was very crowded and had to queue for a long time. Then, it was our turn to get the tickets and we all chose Storm Warrior. Then, me and my father went to the level 2 information counter to get the Vivocity card while my mother and brother went to "Daiso" to shop.

During the movie, I was so bored as it was a chinese movie and it was so slow-motion. The show started at 4.05pm and ended at 6pm. It started late as it was supposed to start at 3.45pm. At the end of the show, I still did not wear my jacket as I did not feel cold but my mother and brother were feeling extremely cold. After the movie, my family and I went to this Japanese restaurant called the Shobuya-shobu shobu. The food was fine and it was a buffet. After that we went to the Woodlands Library to borrow some books and I found this game, SERECT FILES! It was a detective game and I liked it so much that I borrowed it.

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