Monday, December 7, 2009

7th December 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, it was supposed to be a good day but when I was about to clean my room fan, my mother came in and scolded me for putting the clothes in that place where it was not supposed to be there, she took out the cane and wanted to wack me but I stopped her and argued with her that I should not be cane as I could think of the solution to the problem but she was very unreasonable and still wanted to beat me. Then, my brother who was watching us was laughing his head off. I dont know why. After a few minutes, my mother gave in and I started to clean my fan.

After I cleaned it, then my mother came into my room to check on me and I of course hated her for being unreasonable but she is my mum so I cant hate her. Then, she and my brother went to FairPrice to buy the groceries that we need daily like Milk, Fruits and Others.

I do not hate my mother anymore. I dont know why. =)

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