Saturday, November 28, 2009

Terrible Incident

On the 28th November 2009, my mother brushed my teeth for me and my gums bleed for a while as she is so rough. She thinks that I did not brushed my teeth properly as my teeth is still yellowish. Then when she was brushing my teeth, she make me swallow the colgate or the toothpaste accidentally. It was so awful.

Today, me and my mother went to use the Acupunture Foot machine that my mum brought a few days ago. I cleaned it and put it onto the floor. It was very fun indeed! Although we could feel the stretch on our waist, we were still very excited about it as my mother can finally use this machine to exercise and lose fat while I can have some fun. The machine is not cheap as it cost $48.90 singapore dollars. I find that the machine is very useful.

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