Sunday, February 28, 2016


Its been 8 years since I started this blog account. And finally, I am writing my 100 blog post on 28th February 2016, Sunday. The time is 11.11am. Thank you for always reading my worries and frustrations. Thank you to the inventor of this blog. Thank you to the person who invented the internet, computer and mouse so that technology can be so advanced today. Thank you to all my friends and family members for being here with me even if its just a few days. Thank you to my primary, secondary and polytechnic school management, lecturers and other personnels. 

Thank you to you for giving me luck and freedom to do what I wanted to do. You are always fulfilling my wish and all I can think of to repay you is to do good deeds and be more considerate and patient with others. Even so, I still do not understand why some people still dislike me due to my straight forward character and my high-pitch voice perhaps. However, I get that there are always haters around and we cannot please everyone. As long as I know that what I am doing is right, I will not be affected. My friends do say I have a high level of tolerance and I think so too. 

Regards to my beloved 8 year diary ~~


Another 2 more days before my examinations are over and rejoice about it. After my exams are over, it means my Year 2 POLY Life has ended and I will be starting Year 3 POLY Life in April 2016. That means I will be a senior already, time passes so quickly that sometimes I wish it would slow down a bit. However, during my March Holidays from 7 March to 16 April 2016, I will be posted to a car company for a 6 weeks internship, earning an allowance of about $800 per month. I hope I will be able to do my job well, learn fast and make new connections with my colleagues. 

Sometimes, I do still wonder what I want to do with my life if I really cannot go into any university but yet I still do procrastinate all day long. It seems that I need to have some peer motivation to get me going but I know this is an excuse of being lazy. 

Thinking about you and the future
Knowing I shouldn't compare
Yet my heart wavers and my body shivers
Which one should I choose

Procrastination is not an option
It should never have been one
Yet my actions cant prove my love for you
As I have always been lazy 

I know I cant be that
But its just in my mind
Help me stop this
Help me be a person capable of loving you

My actions will lead to my downfall
But there's nothing that I can do
My love, lets break up
I'm wasting your precious time 
Your Precious time ~~~

Monday, February 8, 2016


 Picture taken from the internet. 

大家猴年吉祥, 龙马精神, 恭喜发财, 财源广进, 年年有余, 心想事成, 学习进步, 阖家幸福!

Another year gone by, another year about to start and another set of opportunities being provided to us for realizing all your unfulfilled dreams in this Chinese New Year!!! 

Risk Assessment Workshop

Recently, I had a Risk Assessment Workshop. This was to help CCA Leaders to make their Risk assessment form more professional and detailed and not sloppy. After attending this workshop, I learnt quite a bit of things that I didn't learn before as there was no one there to tell me how to do it. Hopefully, the next Risk Assessment form that I do will be in a better shape and quality than the previous forms.

P.s. I won a SP notepad from this workshop after answering the 8 question quiz. Hehe :D At first, I was first in place but by the time it was the 8th question, I became 2nd in place. The lecturer really knows how to hipe up the atmosphere in the lecture hall to get all the students to listen to him. (Mr HTA).

Business Law Debate Notes

Conditions of Misrepresentation 

  1. Is there a false statement of fact? (5 Elements of Misrepresentation)
  2. If yes, Is there inducement?
    • Did not rely on the statement (Longer time to think = Lesser inducement)
    • Chance to verify the truth of the statement
  3. If yes, Defend the Misrepresentation Case.
    • Prove that there is no fraudulent misrepresentation by showing that the defendant has no intention to deceive the Plaintiff
  4. Limit the Negligence Misrepresentation
    • Have reasonable grounds
      • E.g. False statement of fact happen before the contract / He must be induced into the contract

Barriers to Communication Notes

Barriers to Communication 

  • Noise
  • Status
  • Emotions
  • Over-interpretation
  • Evaluative Tendencies
  • Projection and Stereotypes
  • Arrogance and Superiority
  • Inconsistent verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Language Barriers
  • Poor Listening Habits
  • Lack of Feedback
  • Differences in Perception
  • Role Requirements
  • Poor choice of information medium
  • Lack of honesty

I found this on a piece of paper. Apparently, it is teaching me on communication and effective presentation skills. If only my friend would stop having all these barriers to communications, her biggest barrier is Arrogance and Superiority even though we are of the same age. I think she has almost all of these barriers. That's why we don't really like her as a friend or as a classmate. Her attitude is so bad that even a stranger can tell in school. E.g. she needed to interview a student in her school but even that interviewee felt that she was rude. 

Sigh~~Anyway, I am going to change class soon as Year 3 Semester 1 is coming in April 2016. But before that, I will be doing my internship in March 2016. Can't wait to know which company I am posted to. I really hope it will be something related to Hospitality Business.