Monday, December 17, 2012

One of my CCA combine practices~

On 3rd November 2012, there was an additional Combine Practice as the Secondary 3 students needed to go for Step Up Programme to prepare Sec 3s for Next year 2013 'O' Levels examinations So nervous, Prelims and 'O' levels is just months away... Anyway, since the Sec 3s could not go for the other practices during the first two weeks of the Year-End Holidays, Ms Chew added an additional Combine Practice on Saturday, 3rd November.

I went there slightly early and started to tune my instrument. I started to play a few songs to warm up first. Then our instructor came. All of us then sat on our seats and waited for the further instructions, The instructor said to play 'Matsuri' first for the Gala Dinner. Our two seniors, ex-students, came back to help us for Gala Dinner by playing the drums in the Percussion Section. As without them, it would not feel as nice as this Japanese song really needs the Drums. We practiced until our breaktime. Me and my friends walked down to the canteen and then I went to the bookshop. It seems that I only need to buy 1 English Comprehension Book and 2 Science CHR Practice Papers for next year!

After break, I went back to the Music Room and it was time to practice our SYF song. Then after a while, the instructor said that he wanted to hear 大提琴, Cello and 中阮, Zhong Ruan Solo. I was so nervous as I have not really mastered the skill of 'rolling' yet. When it was my turn, I either played the part too fast or too slow. I felt so embarassed at that point of time. Our instructor said that Yoke Mun and Claudia did better as it felt more 'solid' the '厚' feeling again. My section teacher said the same thing. But I totally can explain the 'solid' as it really depends on the fingers' sizes too as both of them have "fatter" fingers than me if you can understand. My fingers are too small and thin to be able to get that feeling..sigh~ The next CO combine practice will be on 12th November 2012, Monday. Hopefully, it would be a better day!!

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