Tuesday, June 26, 2012

YouthPhoria Event 2012!!!!!

Recently, I bought tickets for my brother and me and my friends. The ticket was for this event called the 'YouthPhoria' and it was for the young entrepreneurs from different secondary schools and polytechnics. My school set up a booth called "Kampong Craze" and sold items that was in kampongs last time and also sold tidbits at a very expensive price. Me and my friend, Wan Hoon, went to play the carnival games, visit the Singapore Discovery Centre and Army Muesum of Singapore, watch 3D Madagascar 3 movie and we decided to watch the 3D Tornado Alley some other time. All these cost only $6 because of the 'YouthPhoria' event. But we also went to buy the tickets for the 4D Simulation Ride as we were excited and curious and was super eager to try it out. It was totally a fun thing and although it was a short ride, it left a ecth in my heart!! :D I totally love going out with friends and I had a whale of a time at the Singapore Discovery Centre which is at near Joo Koon MRT Station. 

Outward Bound Singapore!!

I went to Outward Bound Singapore on the 18th June - 22nd June 2012 and it is held at Pulau Ubin Island. I        had many mixed feelings and emotions during this 5 days 4 Nights camp. I learned many things in the camp especially more about leadership skills and team work. The camp was very fun and interesting and super tiring!!! During the sea expedition on Day 3, Munshi, which is my group, and two other groups, Marshall and Jalambajang , formed a big group named Camp 1 Charlie and together we kayaked around Pulau Ubin Island which was about 32km. Some of us pee in the sea and we also ate in our own kayak in the big open sea. The minute we saw the dark clouds approaching, we knew that it was going to rain and so we sped and pedalled like crazy so as to escape the rain and thunder. It was very FUN!!! And I love my group, Munshi, and made new friends and love Kai Yong, my Outward Bound Singapore Instructor. He has been doing this job for two years and many people say he is the hottest instructor there!!!!! :D

More information will be given once I get back my 4 A4 Size pages long reflection on Outward Bound Singapore (OBS) that I passed to my Councillor teacher, Mr Hu. I hoped he would pass the reflection back to me as it holds many many precious memories that I want to keep with me!!!!! :)

Monday, June 11, 2012

busy busy busy during the June Holidays 2012!!!

For the first 2 weeks of the June Holidays, I slacked and was so lazy to do my homework that I forgot that revision is suer important and in the last 2 weeks of the June Holidays, I would be very busy. But I was lazy and procrastinated until now. All of the homework are not completed and I am struggling to complete them before the June Holidays end. Why am I so busy? As I am the EXCO, it is a leadership position in the Council Board. I am the Head of Discipline and I am also the Vice-Chairperson of Chinese Orchestra in my CCA, so I am so busy preparing for camps and other events.

Here are the upcoming events and stuff that I need to do:

  • 12th June - Pack camping bag for Outbound Singapore Camp [OBS] 
  • 13th June - Go play badminton at my friend's house and listen to her long story...
  • 14th June - Hilda invited me to go Wild Wild Wet but I refused as I have Council Meeting with my   fellow Exco members, teacher and his girlfriend
  • 15th June AND 16th June - FREE TIME!!! :D BUT must chiong homework!!! :( and do revision...
  • 17th June - Volunteering at Public Regional Library for 3 hours
  • 18 June to 22 June - Out of Bound Singapore 5D4N Camp (OBS) 
  • 23rd June - Go Singapore Discovery Centre with friends for YouthPhoria event!!!!
  • 24th June - CHIONG homework all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 25th June - School Reopens!!!! 
* Conclusion: Should not have procrastinated!!! Wasted a lot of time and now, I am struggling to finish my homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Monday, June 4, 2012

A day during June Holidays 2012

Hey, I just wanted to type some stuff here as I am so super bored right now even though I know that I should be studying and doing homework. I feel like a lazy bum during the first week of the June Holidays 2012. I did not do anything except watch television, play computer games, watch anime on computer and do housework... I feel so lazy right now that I feel that I must try my best to get out of the house to the Woodlands Library or something so that I can study. I have already arranged with my friends, Wan Hoon and Queenie and Rachel and Hilda that I can go out with them more during the June Holidays instead of staying at home. I think if everything goes well, I will be playing badminton with Rachel at her house downstairs. I told her my badminton skills suck and she told me that she was looking forward to a good game but since she had to be coop up at home as she failed A maths. She can only go to school and go home, thats all. I feel sad for her. Okay, maybe a bit of sadness.

I know that I am procrastinating but who can help it. We all need someone good enough to motivate each other. And that someone fro me is my parents and brother. Just hoping they would pay more attention to me and of course, I know my mother is paying quite a lot of attention to me as I see everyday from morning to night in the house and I really feel that I need some fresh air. I don't know how my mother can stand it as she has in this house for many years and does not feel bored? Maybe she does feel a bit bored. But anyway, my Mid Year Examinations were totally terrible and I did not show my report book to my parents or my brother. Last time, regardless of whether good or bad, I would show them. But maybe now that I am in sec 3 and next year is my SUPER BIG 'O' LEVEL Examinations that I feel inferior to my brother, I only got one A1 and it is Principals of Accounts (POA).

As you can see, PROCRASTINATION IS BAD!!!! I wish I was at work and living with a friend that I can trust and believe in and that that friend is a reliable and good and responsible girl. Okay, I'm not waiting for a miracle to happen or a sudden change in the time dimension that I will suddenly become 24 years old and start to work.  But I am just wishing without any regrets for my very own future.