Saturday, April 14, 2012

New SYF song 2013 coming up!!!

My life is going to be busier than ever again. Starting from next Monday, 16th April 2012, CO will be learning the NEW Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) song for 2013. This SYF is a competition for performing arts from the various schools in Singapore and it is held every 2 years eg. I did my SYF in Secondary 2 in 2011 and now        I will learning the new SYF song for 2013 when I will be secondary 4. So we will take about a year to fully grasp the tune and rhythm of the song as now I am secondary 3, coming to 15 years old this year! The song piece is called Ode to Peace The third movement: The Sorrow of the River 和平颂之第三乐章: 江怨. 

It sounds like a sad song to me so I have a feeling that it is a sad song. I hoped it is G major so that I can play it better as I am better in G major than the others like F major, C major, D major, etc. Anyway, I was suppose to start learning this new song on Monday but I have councillor meeting at 3.35pm and Chinese Oral Examination at 2pm on the Same Monday, 16th April 2012. So I was suppose to start learning it on the next practice after Monday, but I cannot go too as my class 3E2 and class 3E1 will be going to Mount Bintan to climb the mountain which is at Indonesia. So I will be going with my classmates and 3E1 people to Mount Bintan for Community Involvement Programme (CIP). We will go by ferry and bus. Yipee!!! I can't wait to start learning the new SYF song 2013 and to go Bintan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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