Thursday, April 12, 2012

Advanced Elective Module (AEM)

Advanced Elective Module [AEM]

Adventure Experimental Programme:Planning Outdoor Experimental Programmes 
 This was an 5 day course during the March Holidays and was held at Republic Polytechnic (RP) for straight 5 days- Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 5.30pm. (Like working hours~). There was only about 20 students who could participate in this course, and it is such an expensive course. I paid $75 using edusave account and luckily MOE subsides from $400 to $75. There was councillors and Outdoor Activities Club (OAC) members in this course and thankfully, we knew each other from Sec 1, starting from the year 2010. People in AEM: Me, Addison, Trevor, Yi Chien, Sonya, Joyce, Tessa, Kamilla, Rebecca Thng, Rebecca Chua, Daniel Yap, Madelyn (Drama Club person, neither a councillor or an OAC member, Don't know how she managed to be in this course), Shahidah and many others.....

I still remember on the first day, there was this lecturer (teacher) named Mr Andrew, he asked us to self-intro - Say 3 things about yourself but one thing must be a lie and this was to test how much your friends know about you. I said that I like orange, I like my CCA and I like Addison (My classmate in school). The lie was obviously the 'I like Addison' part. But all of them were like laughing and thinking that it was true and that I was making a confession..., Addison was blushing and his face was as red as a cherry.

Anyway, this course was to teach us on how to plan outdoor camps well so as to allow students to learn something from it and Mr Andrew also taught us how to facilitate a game, did tests everyday on the last 30 minutes of the lesson, how to do a good lesson plan for the games that we were facilitating so that the students will be focus, learn something from it, be safe and have fun instead of boredom. I chose the game Blow Wind Blow but I modified it. So instead of one person moving around, they have to get a partner then the other games rules are still the same. And they will then learn about Teamwork, Cooperation & Observant.

AEM, this course made me gain 2 Kilograms(Kg), as there will at least 4 breaks and every break, there will be delicious and mouth-watering food to eat. I ate alot and the drinks were all the same everyday, it was Lemon Barley. I am now 29 Kilograms but still severely underweight. The school suddenly said one day that they wanted to help the underweight and severely underweight people to be healthy so they introduced a program that will make 80 students in the school to be healthy by making them eat cereal, egg, milk powder and one packet of milo. I hoped that I am not in this course but when I told my mother about it, she said she would sponsor this program if I am not in this program as she wants me to eat more... I eat alot already...

Anyway, I love this 5 day course that was Tiring and exhausting but it was Very Fun as we get to play a lot of games and I think the activity that I like most is the Tunnel Cave. The Tunnel Cave is made up of 6 containers with the installed Cave-like look in it. It is totally pitch dark in there and you can't even see your own friends or fingers. I was so scared and desperate that I begged and pleaded Mr Andrew to give the group a lightstick then when he came with it, he turned his head and talked to someone else but was still holding the lightstick. I took the lightstick in a desperate moment and I knew I was rude, he said I was rude but I was scared, terrified and Desperate. It was my first time in that cave, first time in such a pitch dark corner with holes in it that I 'know whether I will fall and drop inside anytime, first time I was so desperate for a LightStick. You know what they say "Desperate moments cause for desperate measures". But after I finished the activity with my group members that we took about 30 minutes, I was happy that I took a step forward to overcome my fear instead of pulling out, and although no one knew that I was scared as I was acting brave and not showing my fear, I am proud of myself. I learned a lot of things from this camp and I know that I will surely put all these things that I learnt from AEM into good use for my CCA as I am now the Vice-President of Chinese Orchestra (CO). Amazing, right? I can't believe too when my teacher announced it.

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