Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Maths Trail 2011~~~

25th May 2011 [Wednesday]

On this very school day, all the express stream secondary two classes {2E1- 2E5} went to Changi Airport Terminal 3. It took about approximately forty minutes to reach there from school. On the bus there, me and Rachel were playing Tap Tap Domination on her iphone. We felt that it had only passed ten minutes when we reached there. I was in this group- Daniel [Leader], Me, Dylan, Annabel and Preesha. The teachers gave each group these items - notebook[mini black laptop, so COOL!!!], a A4 size white paper, the forty over questions booklet [So thick], a paper cup and a measuring tape. We went off and started to do it. After we did the questions, me and Annabel did the slide there, it was so Fun, FUn and FUN!!!!! :D We ate our lunch at Mcdonalds..

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