Wednesday, May 25, 2011


My aspiration now is to become an air stewardess!! :D I must grow taller and reach 1.75metres, now I am only 1.46 metres. I can do it!!!

I am happy to be in this world. Grateful that I have parents, grateful that i can study to have an education to survive in this world. Leading a life being Caring, Helpful and Righteous -CHR!!! My motto... Whoever knows this motto-CHR, please comment. Really very happy to be in this world! :D I have one best friend in this whole world now!!! :)

Kung Fu Panda 2 movie!!!

Kung Fu Panda 2 The Movie is coming in 3D in the theatre in 26th May 2011!! Oh my gosh, can't believe it. The show is so fun, humorous and is great to watch as I have watch Kung Fu Panda 1 The Movie last year 2010 and I highly recommend this movie!!! I give it a 5 star-rating upon 5, of course!!!!!!!!

WOW, I cant believe it...

25th May 2011 - [Wednesday]

After I walked to school with my brother which we parted at the MRT station, I reached school at 6.48am and my brother said that my walking speed had improved and I was walking faster. Nadiah [Rachel's Best Friend in class] showed me and Kanti[Current Chairperson of 2E2 2011, unhappy and frustrated about the class behaviour, finally understand how I felt last year 1E2 2010, a malay person, shoulder-length hair, has a iphone, not so tall about 1.56 metres, wear black spectacles, brings a black bag everyday without fail, has more stress, hates to give her handphone number to the class lest they harass her again, wants more space, quiet and privacy] her love magazine thingy and the horoscope in the magazine, it turn out that my horoscope needed me to text my crush which is Today-25th May 2011, Me, Nadiah and Kanti were shocked and started laughing, I took out my handphone and tried to type and then I realized that my handphone buttons had spoiled and I could only call not text but then it turn out that my handphone buttons could suddenly work again, it was so extraordinary, it was like oh my gosh...... Oh, and it turned out that Me and Kanti were of the same horoscope [Leo]. I wanted to text my classmate who was chasing for my love, but I suddenly remembered that he does not have a handphone......

I guess it was just not meant to be......

Maths Trail 2011~~~

25th May 2011 [Wednesday]

On this very school day, all the express stream secondary two classes {2E1- 2E5} went to Changi Airport Terminal 3. It took about approximately forty minutes to reach there from school. On the bus there, me and Rachel were playing Tap Tap Domination on her iphone. We felt that it had only passed ten minutes when we reached there. I was in this group- Daniel [Leader], Me, Dylan, Annabel and Preesha. The teachers gave each group these items - notebook[mini black laptop, so COOL!!!], a A4 size white paper, the forty over questions booklet [So thick], a paper cup and a measuring tape. We went off and started to do it. After we did the questions, me and Annabel did the slide there, it was so Fun, FUn and FUN!!!!! :D We ate our lunch at Mcdonalds..

Adventure Experiential Programme!!!

On 24th May 2011 - Tuesday

After the inter-music performance where all lower secondary students have to perform what they have been practising for the past few months which includes me, sec 2 students learned either keyboard or guitar and played their songs on the stage and sang, of course we were all hopeless and so our music teacher had to sing behind the curtains to help us and we knew. Thanks.

There was this Adventure Experiential Programme [AEP]. It was a high rope course near the ISH in my school. There were 6 stations and it was all so easy but my friends all said that is was so difficult and that I made one station-Vertical Tango, look so easy to do but in fact, to me, it was really very easy.

June Holidays are coming again in year 2011!!!

25th May 2011 [Wednesday]

Time flies supremely fast, I am writing this because I am very extremely bored... June holidays are coming again. I am fourteen this year 2011 and my birthday is coming again. Alot of things happen but sorry I had no time to write in my blog. I am in express stream-secondary level. After my secondary school life which by the way, I only left 2 years and a half before I sit for my "O"levels and continue on to the next place which is Polytechnic {3 Years} or Junior College {2 Years} . My father wants me to go Junior College as he feels that going there, I would have a better future and get a better job but my mother thinks that he is just old-fashion and if I wanted to go Polytechnic, I should just go and she would then talk to my father about this. My mother encourages me to go Polytechnic as she thinks that it is more suitable for me as I don't like to study at all and can choose the course that I preferred and Junior College life is very stressful and she and me knows that I will drop out of Junior College three months later and go to Polytechnic, so right... I totally agree with her but if I go then I feel bad towards my father. sad.... hard decision.