Saturday, May 22, 2010


I will be going for a interview to be a COUNCILOR!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!! I have alot of songs to practice for my CO CCA. But 2/3 of the songs I get have G diao so that means I will only have to focus on the song that is not G diao as I am very good in G diao. At least the very basic.... Hehe....


What do I want to do during the June Holidays? I want to finish all my homework in the first week, I want to assesment books during the rest of the week and my rest day is Sunday and I want to study hard for my End-Year Examinations so that hopefully I will be lucky enough to not enter Normal Academic or what we call "NA". I want to remain in Express for the four years that I have in my Secondary School so I have decided to try and beat my friend Chips which is his nickname. I know it will be quite difficult but I will try to succeed in my goal. So now that means I have a goal to fulfill!!!!!!!! Yeah! :)

I will be going to my CO camp soon in June. This will be my first time going for a camp as my mother did not allow me to go as she was worried so I will persuade my mother to let me go.....
For the whole June holidays, I will have to go back to school on some days for my CCA..... Orh man........

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Science projects........

Today, my homework was to do the Soya Bean research which I will take over after my friend had done the first half and my second science project is on the SCIENCE RESEARCH MODULE BOOKLET AND REPORT that only me and one of my team members helped me while the rest only did small parts but at least they did help!!!!!!!! My house has three Japanese Wind Chimes now....... I am doing my science project now, so stressful still after the examinations. But I had FAILED Geography and Science already. My history was 57/100, my mother tongue was 66.5/100, my mathematics paper 1 was 39/70 and paper 2 was 47/70 so upon hundred for math, I scored 71. I hoped not to fail my other subjects anymore as I cant take it, I have never failed so much before without a valid reason or maybe I am not studying hard.... I think. My mum bought a black long sleeve shirt for me today.... :) I want to watch my anime--

Monday, May 17, 2010


On 17th May 2010 which is a monday, I had a very interesting day. THAT IS ''I HAVE NEVER EVER WENT FOR A SCIENCE FAIR COMPETITION IN THE ROOMS BUT I HAVE BEEN TO THE SCIENCE CENTRE WHEN I WAS IN MY PRIMARY SCHOOL!'' I have went to the Sciencce Centre for about three times already but this was the first time I get to explore with my friends. I had a whale of my time. I took two videos about my teachers talking with my Sec 1 Science teacher captured inside too, which was not longer than one minute. I love the Science Fair competition but I will never go again as I dont know any thing about Science or you can call a Science Idiot.......I hoped that my team will be able to at least get a BRONZE MEDAL for my school and my teacher. My team has three members including me, one of my Woodgrove friend and the other guy who looks very handsome and formal when wearing the school blazer. We are all from the same class. He is very smart and he answered every question that the Judges in the room asked whereas me and my friend was standing there like a statue.... He should claim all the credit. I miss my best friend which is SY in short form, I hoped to see her soon during the holidays.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Late Night Sleep.....

I am waking up late and sleeping late and i only wake up at around 10.15am and sleep at the earliest 11pm and latest 12.30pm. So crazy right? Well, I just dont want to sleep so early and I am so bored at home but yesterday 15th May 2010, I borrowed three english books that is for my age from the Public Library. My other has asked me to borrow chinese novels to read too and I will gradually learn to like and appreciate it. So I am intending to borrow chinese novels in my secondary school instead of the Public Library as there are no interesting novels in the Public Library.


Tomorrow, 17th May 2010, I will be going for a competition which is the

I am so looking forward to it but also so not wanting to go. I dont know what I must be thinking for signing up for the compition which is TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AHHHHHH........ I am drinking my coke that my dad bought yesterday when me, my brother and him went to the spectacle shop for my dad to get a new expensive spectacle. Then we went to NTUC FairPrice to buy the groceries and bought the carton of coke too which I am drinking now.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sad truth.........

On 15 May 2010, I agree with my mother that love does last forever....... My daddy and mummy prefers to talk to my brother more than me......I dont know why. But I think my love for my father and his love for me has grown lesser which means he does not really love me anymore while my brother and my father love is growing blossoms. which means my father loves my brother more than me now. I think 1 reason of this is because my STUDIES is not so good and my brother's studies is so much better than mine and he had won a EAGLES award to prove his leadership qualities...... I am sad. But I just cant study but my mum says that I could if I had study harder and stop watching so much television. I have just sit for my Mid-year examinations and I think I have failed Design and Technology (D&T), Geography, History and maybe Science (Physics, Chemistry and Biology all inside two booklets that was tested on the same day) but I am very sure that I will be able to pass but not with flying colours of course, English, English Literature and Maths paper 1 and 2.