Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Secret Files (Game) !!!!!!!!

On 14 December 2009,
I woke up, arrange my bed, brush my teeth, wash my face and eat breakfast as usual. Then, I went to watch television. My father was in the Study room playing computer games and watching shows on the internet.

Finally, at 12.30pm it was time to eat lunch at Vivocity and after my family ate our lunch at Sushi Tei, we went to the Cinema-Golden Village to book the tickets. It was very crowded and had to queue for a long time. Then, it was our turn to get the tickets and we all chose Storm Warrior. Then, me and my father went to the level 2 information counter to get the Vivocity card while my mother and brother went to "Daiso" to shop.

During the movie, I was so bored as it was a chinese movie and it was so slow-motion. The show started at 4.05pm and ended at 6pm. It started late as it was supposed to start at 3.45pm. At the end of the show, I still did not wear my jacket as I did not feel cold but my mother and brother were feeling extremely cold. After the movie, my family and I went to this Japanese restaurant called the Shobuya-shobu shobu. The food was fine and it was a buffet. After that we went to the Woodlands Library to borrow some books and I found this game, SERECT FILES! It was a detective game and I liked it so much that I borrowed it.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Watching shows on the Internet!!!!!!!!!!

On 12 December 2009,
Today, I woke later than expected. I woke up at 10.30pm and my mother had come out from the toilet and was walking to the kithen as usual. I quickly get up from my bed or I will surely get scolding from my mum for waking up so late. Then, I brushed my teeth and went to wake my brother up. When I opened his room door, I found him awake and sitting on his chair and playing his computer games as my father bought him it for Polytechnic as he is going to polytechnic next year. He spends his time playing in his room everyday.
After lunch, Me, my brother and mother went to make muffins in the kitchen and my brother was playing with the batter. It was so funny and he made baking so interesting and exciting.
Then, after that, I watched shows at these websites www.youranimenow.com/index.html, www.youtube.com . I found all of my favourite shows there and started watching with my mother on the computer as my mother liked the shows too. The shows that I watched today is: Inuyasha The Final Act, D.Grey Man and Naruto. I finally get to watch the shows as the Television does not show those episodes and I would say that the INTERNET is the GREATEST invention!!!!!!!!!!!! HA!!!!!HA!!!!!HA!!!!! What do u think? Please comment!!!!!!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Found Primary Four Diary Today!!!!!!!!!

On 14 Feb 2007,
Today I was cleaning up the house. It was a busy day but I still did my homework and watch a bit of television. I had no time to play so I decided not to play on Chinese New Year Evebecause me and my mother still have not finished cleaning up the big big house.

I think my mother will let my relatives come into the house this year but she will hate it as she will have to clean the house all over again after the relatives go home so it will surely be a very tiring day for her on that day.

Chinese New Year is coming, I am so excited and happy as there will be alot of Red Packets to be collected on that day and the favourite part is that I will open the red packets and take the money inside and my father will put the money into the bank as savings. It will be an exciting day for me and my brother.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Today, my mother said I could go and play computer games as she saw I was bored and she did not want me to disturb her. I did not want to play but I cant lose this opportunity to play as she has forbid me to play after she had seen my PSLE results. OH WELL!!! I feel so lucky today. Bye Now as I want to continue to play.

Monday, December 7, 2009

7th December 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, it was supposed to be a good day but when I was about to clean my room fan, my mother came in and scolded me for putting the clothes in that place where it was not supposed to be there, she took out the cane and wanted to wack me but I stopped her and argued with her that I should not be cane as I could think of the solution to the problem but she was very unreasonable and still wanted to beat me. Then, my brother who was watching us was laughing his head off. I dont know why. After a few minutes, my mother gave in and I started to clean my fan.

After I cleaned it, then my mother came into my room to check on me and I of course hated her for being unreasonable but she is my mum so I cant hate her. Then, she and my brother went to FairPrice to buy the groceries that we need daily like Milk, Fruits and Others.

I do not hate my mother anymore. I dont know why. =)