Saturday, August 8, 2015

First Aid Workshop

During my June Holidays, I went for a First Aid Workshop held in Singapore Polytechnic to become a trained First Aider. It was on 23 June 2015 to 25 June 2015, Tuesday to Thursday, from 9 am to about 6 pm. There was about 1-2 hours lunch break. I learnt how to bandage someone with minor injuries on their arms or legs, how to use the Automated External Defibrillator (AED), the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) steps and procedures, how to handle someone who has a fracture, the use of a stretcher and how to help someone who is choking, etc. The number for our Singapore Ambulance is 995. Usually, people will mix up the number with the number 911 which is for the Ambulance number in America. 

It was a very fun, exciting and fruitful experience for me. Now that I have been through the whole 3 days course, I have received the certificates (2 small cards) that show that I am a trained First Aider. This certificate lasts for 2 years only and is due for renewal. I hope that in any situation or emergency, I would be able to handle it with care and caution. 

-----First Aider-in-training-----

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