Thursday, December 10, 2015

Negative V Positive Song Lyrics (by me)


I am doing something ordinary
Yet feeling so extraordinary
That I need to focus on these papers
Knowing that I need to do this

Let's start this rolling
It's the beginning of a new chapter
Watching kids around my age having fun
Makes me angry and feelings with envy

Why didn't I study in that year
So I wouldn't need to look at these papers
At this timing, At this period
When I am suppose to be enjoying

All I care right now
Is to press on, move on
It's just a few more hours, minutes & seconds
Let's end this

In my heart, I won't forget this moments
Won't forget these memories (slow down)


Song Lyrics by me ©
Created on 10 December 2015, 12.18am

~Inspiration: while I was trying to memorise MIR notes~~~~

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