Wednesday, December 2, 2015

FOC Business Club Camp - Wildfire 1 Farewell Letters

I found some Freshmen Orientation Camp (FOC) organised by SP Business Club  - Wildfire 1 Farewell Letters or short notes that was written and given to us on the last day of the camp which should be 2nd April 2014.

"Hello! It's been really awesome knowing you. Glad that we are in the same group because you're really friendly and fun to talk to! Good job in the skit earlier! Emoji Hope to see you around in school, all the best in DBA!" - Love, Stacie

"Hi Ariel! You are small and cute! Nice time spent with you during this FOC. Let's not forget each other ah" - Samantha

"Hey Ariel, I'm really thankful to have met you at this camp! Emoji You definitely defied the odds by being a HOD in your secondary school as well as portraying the main lead in our skit (being so brave, courageous and all) despite being petite haha. Well done! Encouraged by how you show that all things are possible Emoji. Hope you had fun these few days and see ya around school!" - Hui Shi

"Hey Ariel, It's an honour to be able to share this journey with you. Despite your small figure, you are not at all timid nor fragile. Stay happy and cheerful as always! Emoji" - Love, Kai Siang

"Hey Ariel, Its been really nice knowing you better these past two days at FOC. And I must say you're really a chilli padi for you size (HAHA!). Though you're really small and skinny, you're really daring and not afraid to stepping out! YAY! Emoji Anyway, all the best even as you begin your next phase of your education life. Work hard and you'll do well! Emoji God bless and see you around!" - Love, Amelia

"Hi Ariel, It was good to get to know you during these three days. Great acting in the skit that we performed, see you around soon and all the best in your poly life!" - Aloysius Chew

"Hey Ariel! So happy to meet you through FOC! See you around in SP!" - Belvia Emoji

"Hi Ariel, I think that you are a small sized girl with a really loud voice. I think you really did your role well during our performance. I think you're like a really courageous girl although you look like you're not. But you're like more daring that most of us girls. its really nice to know you. Although my bad sleeping habit is like seriously jialat but you didn't judge. Haha. And really sorry for my loud snoring. Hope it didn't affect your sleep much. You're an awesome girl. Get Well Soon for your leg. Emoji" - Yuan Li

"Outings in the future!! Thanks for being in this group Emoji not like you had a choice. And even if you did, you still would want Wildfire 1 right? And WHY ORANGE. #WildfireFTW #Badhandwriting = SWAG" - Daryl (Potaato) >>>> My Group Facilitator

"Ariel! Emoji It was an enjoyable experience to have facilitate Wildfire 1 and you throughout these three days. You're so cute la hahaha, great acting skills btw. Talk more okay? And everything will be damn sway HAHA. Cya around in school and our next Wildfire 1 outing. God Bless!" - xoxo, Sarah Lim  >>>> My Group Facilitator

It was a very memorable camp. Even as time passes so quickly that I am ending Year 2 in about 5 more months, I would not forget the 2 Freshmen Orientation Camps that I went to before I began my Polytechnic life in Year 1. The 2 camps was organised by Business Club and CSCC Club. Both camps were interesting and awesome in different ways. Since then, I had always wanted to become more matured, outspoken and independent so that I would be able to facilitate or organise such events. 

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