Friday, March 28, 2014

Fair to my feelings right this moment

To be fair to my feelings right now, I just had a conversation with my mother and brother. My father was still at work. To start this blogging, the main point is my mother and father are going to get a divorce soon I guess. This has gone on for 4 years since I was in secondary one when my mother told me that she was going to get a divorce after the end of my O levels examination. Finally, after 4 years, which came so fast, it is time.

Firstly, I had to choose between whether to go with my father or with my mother if there was a fight for custody. After 4 years of my life, I chose my dad all the way. Why you might ask? Usually in reports, they say the kids would stick to the mother. However, in my case, I choose my dad. Reasons that I thought about: assurance, reliability, money, finance, future life, how my mother thinks about her future, my mother is putting too much pressure on my brother - it pains me to see him like this. I just wish this would end soon as my brother would get hurt the most if this drags on. I don't know what to do to help him in this situation but I will support and respect whatever my brother does and says as if I don't support him now, who will?

Secondly, I thought about it very clearly. There is a small possibility that my mother will get the child custody. I really hope that does not happen. I am scared and would do my very best to fight for my rights and beliefs. I would make a speech and appeal and whatever. I want to stay with my dad. If only my mother would think about her future and how to do about it and how to get a job, I would consider siding with her. (Quite impossible if she does not change her mindset, attitude and most importantly, mother's pride) 

Thirdly, when my brother told my mother that he would stay with me and take care of me no matter what decision I make even though I'm 17 years old, I felt so assured and happy. I felt so glad and heaved a sigh of relief now that I know his answer. I love him. That is why when he asked me how would I describe my relationship with him a year ago for his project- Excellent, Very Good, Good, Poor & Very Poor. I said VERY GOOD. [As we fight sometimes too :) ] But when he asked me how would I describe my relationship with my mother. I said Good. (sometimes its good sometimes its bad).

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Long Holidays After O Levels Ended!!!

Okay, I know I haven't blogged  about my life for 6 months +++. So I'm going to give a summary.
This is what I did for the past few months after O level examinations had ended:

I slacked for a few days before trying to find a Retail position job near my place.

I went to Recruit Express Job Agency and found a job at Robinsons. One week later, Robinsons called me and told me to go Raffles City to get the Red Christmas Shirt, name badge and punch card. The guy in charge taught me how to use the punch card even though I was still a bit confused after that. My retail position was 'Temp Sales Associate cum Cashier' at Raffles City Lingerie Department. I worked there for 6 weeks - from 22nd November 2013 to 25th December 2013.  I met my colleagues there and they taught me how to use the Cash Register. The vouchers was a bit complicated at first but I think I got it in the end after a few mistakes here and there. I met the manager and supervisor too - they are both quite nice to me especially the manager. I chatted with her once during my lunch break as the break is a whole one hour. Quite long, She hugged me on my last day of work - Christmas day, 25/12. I gave them Belgian chocolate as a token of appreciation for teaching me all these stuff. The shifts are 10am-6pm, 10am-10pm and 2pm - 10pm. I really learned a lot of stuff there even though it was quite tiring. But I love to work there especially during the Sales period - Its so crowded!! 

After that, I tried to find an administrative job so that I could know whether I was suitable to be in a office or in the frontline. But I know that I want to be in the business and service industry. I stayed at home for the January month.

After Chinese New Year- the year of the horse, I found an admin job at Edufarm Learning Centre logistics Department. It was my Second Job. I worked there from 4th February 2014 to 28th March 2014, about two months. It was an enjoyable experience, allowing me to make new friends. All of them are so nice and helpful. Love them. I learnt a lot of stuff there- binding books, shredding paper, printing, scanning, learnt how to better handle situations and do things fast, how to refill ink to the ink cartridges from the printers, how to tidy the storeroom and set-up a table with the five legs attached to it, how to make calls to parents and teachers, learnt more about the courier service and the pink waybill slip, learnt a bit more about Abobe Photoshop application, etc. All my colleagues there are so friendly and enthusiastic about their job. They also gave me nicknames like 'Sparrow', 'Squirrel' and 'Cartoon-ey'. I do not know how they came up with this but it was another good experience for me!!! 

My dad bought me a HP laptop for my polytechnic studies. I am going to Singapore Polytechnic Business Administration this year on 21st April 2014, Monday. I am so excited as besides going to the same school as my brother did, I am going to see my seniors that graduated from secondary school somehow as we are in the same school again, I guess. I registered to go for two Freshmen Orientation Camps before school starts: the SP Business Club & the Community and Cultural Club camp. I hope its gonna be AWESOME and I can make more friends and know the SP surroundings better as I always get lost in Singapore Polytechnic compound. JIA YOU!!!! I can do it!

Best regards,
Janet Lim
Faithfully blogging about my life