Sunday, April 4, 2010

Homework Checked!

On 4th April 2010, i have finished my homework at 2.30pm sharp. Not a single second misses! Yeah! :) I am playing pet society now. hehe..............

The day when I found out my father was my real relative!!!

On 3th April 2010- saturday, my mother tried to beat me with the cane that she bought specially to cane me a few years ago......... luckily, I ran to the living room where my father was watching television and he protected me then because my mother could not do anything so she went to the study room to watch anime. I think she is addicted to anime. She watched the anime from 2pm to 9.30pm. Crazy Woman!!!!!!!!!!!( Just a casual remark, dont take it too seriously! )

Haha, my father is my lucky star and he is my best and wonderful father ever. I love you, dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will FOREVER love you but I know love wont last forever( that is what my mum says) but I will try and make the love last as long as possible!!!!!!!!!! :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Weird day!

This morning on April's fool day, I was feeling quite excited. I dont know why. Then after D&T lesson, I felt so restless, stressed and tired. I dont know why maybe it is because of the acyrlic dust. I did not bring water bottle so I was feeling very thisty, maybe I am not fit to be the Vice- Chiarperson of 1E2 cos I cant cope with so much work with so limited time. Sometimes, I feel so stressed in class that I cant do anything about but just lie down in class on my chair and close my eyes while teacher is teaching. I cried today in front of Miss Siti, I dont understand why maybe it is because I have always have a phobia of meeting the teacher who I dont really know(not close relationship) in person then I will start to cry. I dont know..... I went home and I saw Daniel from 1E2 going into the Woodgrove Condo. Many of my friends live there. I wonder if Miss Siti will tell my other teachers who teach me. I am quite a shy person although I talk alot. Helping the teachers carrying stuff like books or papers is what I use to do in Primary school so I dont find it as a good deed but I feel happy when I help the teachers. I dont know why I cried, the tears just drop like running water maybe it is because I am too stressed and tired.