Monday, September 17, 2018

Joined SIT Hospitality Business with +/- feelings

Apparently, I managed to do well for the 2 interviews for the selection during the SIT admission process this year. At first, I was really very excited about this. Of course, even now, I am happy to given the opportunity to study at SIT as I would not need to feel inferior or ashamed when I see my relatives next year during Chinese New Year. I got into SIT Hospitality Business (HB) this year and it seems that there was about 1500 applications and the selection process was 1 out of 10 applications.

Therefore, after completing the management trainee program at my hotel, I received a certificate to recognize that I have graduated from that program. After resigning in August 2018, I started my new and final student life by going for the Credit Exemption Briefing, SIT Orientation Camp, HB Bonding Day, Day Zero and HeyBeach to gain new friends. I honestly thought that it was my last chance to make an everlasting friendship with someone.

I guess, my greatest weakness right now would be creating lasting friendships. Is it because of my personality? Or my face? What is wrong with me that others hate? Is it because I love anime and am not afraid to show my interests? Is it because I cannot make good small talk? Or I am a boring person? Is it because I do not shop for clothes, makeup or have an interest in visiting cafes? What should I do? Standing at 21 years old now, I am clueless and hopeless in regards to relationships whether is it family, friends, colleagues, superiors, school professors... ...

I do not know what am I living for. I do not have a particular dream that I want to pursue nor do I want to pursue love. I always taught I was a very special girl, as I have never met anyone with the same personality and thinking as mine. However, I guess deep down, I am just a normal girl with family issues, relationship issues and money issues. I would like to say that I am suffering in my heart now but if I were to say it out, it seems like a trivial issue compared to those who are more unfortunate than me. Therefore, I would not say I am an unfortunate person but someone who needs to continue to be independent and just brave through all the obstacles as life goes on. 

My current motto for 2018 is to
Live My Life To The Fullest

I believe in moving forward and learning from my past mistakes. I will continue to persevere to fulfill my responsibilities. Even if there is no one next to me that my heart is willing to pour my dishearten feelings, do not stop...

Apart from that, when my professor asked what superpower I would have, I chose the "Healing" power and she told me no one has told her yet. If possible, I would like to heal the injured people regardless whether it is physical (a real disease) or mental (depression) and myself as well. I hope that we can live on Earth happily. I may not be a very ambitious person but neither am I someone who would just laze around in the house for long periods of time. 

Signing off for the first time in 2018

Praying for my career to have a high salary as I believe without money, nothing can be solved. But with money, anything is possible.

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