Saturday, January 29, 2011

Almost done with Spring Cleaning!!!!!

Today, I was doing Spring Cleaning with my mother ...... but actually I doing most of the work today. My mother was doing Spring Cleaning yesterday but I could not help her as I was in school for my CCA. While doing the Spring cleaning, we argued about what to do, and so I had a headache and now I still have the headache. This is all because of my MOTHER!!!! She is so unreasonable sometimes!!! I have decided not to help her with the rest of the Spring Cleaning, let her do the rest!!! My brother also another one, I ask mother why my brother does not need to do some of the cleaning. She said ask my brother. My brother heard him and he said that he had did it more than me already and that I should not complain as I did so little.

At that moment, I felt like using the tissue box to smack him as I have been doing this more than him and nowadays, he only vaccums the sofa and chairs and mops the floor once in a blue moon!!!! He still dare to boast about it. Bu Yao Lian [chinese han yu pin yin]!!! If you are a chinese, you should understand the three words.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Chinese New Year 2011 is coming!!!!! RABBIT!!!!!

Chinese New Year is coming soon in just a few more days, to be exact, 3 more days. Tiger year is going to pass and RABBIT Year is coming!!!! My class 2E2 has change teachers including our form teacher who is now Mrs Lee, she is also my new Science teacher this year 2011.

GONG XI FA CAI!!!!!!!!!
Have a good Chinese New Year Everyone!!!! Wish all of you good luck, health and Wealth!!!!Rabbitttt...

Audition 2011!!!!!!!!!

AHHHHH!!! On the 28th january 2011, Friday, today is CCA Day and there will be an audition for the Singapore Youth Festival [SYF] Competition for my CCA -Chinese Orchestra. While playing the SYF song -Journey and another song during combine practice in the morning, I was feeling very nervous and I made a lot of mistakes..... There was no audition I guess, as the instructor did not say anything but I felt that he was judging on everyone while practicing the two songs. I hoped I can get in as the only reason why I join this CCA is because I want to go SYF!!!! TO get the 2 points to help me to get an better aggregrate for my 'O' levels two years later.

Councilor Reflection....

As a secondary 1 councilor who just came into the council board not long ago, the EXCOS [Leaders of the council board of the different groups-Discipline, Publicity, and two others] ask the secondary one councilors to do reflection. It must have been the Principal's idea as she is recently encouraging the whole school to do reflection!!

*20th September 2010, Monday

Today, I am a councilor doing duty at the SFE Room in my school -SFE stands for School Family Education. I am from 1E2 (Best class for sec 1) and my index no. is 9. Today, as usual, students come in to play the piano, Uno cards and do homework. I find that the girls playing with the soft toys are a bit weird and childish as they are already secondary one. Maybe they haven't matured yet just like me!!!!! :) There was no one playing table soccer as the ball has been lost and been replaced many times that the teacher in charge of this room could not find the exact same ball so he bought a big bouncy red ball to replace the lost ball. Mr David, teacher in charge of the WII Station just beside the SFE Room comes into the SFE Room at least once a day to look at the students inside. I think he just wants to make sure that the room does not have rowdy and noisy students. I feel fine, happy, anxious and bored as the day was like repeating itself, examinations are coming in a week's time, not much trouble/noise in the SFE Room today and my Chinese Oral Exam [Reading Passage Only] was just two periods after recess. Time really flies!!!

*22nd September 2010, Wednesday

Today, I only did like 2 minutes of duty as my first two periods were Home Economics [HE] and it was the HE Practical Exam before recess. I made steamed egg custard with minced meat. It tasted GREAT but the presentaton was not really good. Nevermind about my Ethnic dish.......
By the time I reached my classroom to put down my stuff and to get my tie, I saw two councilors which are my classmates in the classroom. I wondered how they could go into the classroom when I was holding the Class Key? No matter what, my duty lasted for about two minutes. I did not even have time to eat my Ethnic dish or go for recess. The minute I step into the SFE Room, the bell rang "Ring!Ring!!" so I started to get the students to keep the stuff, arrange it back nicely and go back to their own classrooms. Mr Dvid came to help me and he told me to go for recess but I told him 'Nevermind'. Now that I think of it, I should have went for recess as I was extremely hungry and eager to eat my very own dish that I made. I didn't really do much for my duty today.

*27th September 2010, Monday

Today, as usual, my secondary two partner did not do her duty at the SFE Room. I ask the students to go out of the SFE Room the minust the bell rang. There was nothing much happening today during my duty.