Friday, March 19, 2010

Father's birthday

Todaay is father's birthday. I woke up late today and mother and brother went out for something. My father went to the Casino after we ate our lunch so I am left at home. He ate Nasi Briyani while I ate Teriyaki and Scallop Bento. It was delicious. I went to play Pet society at facebook but cannot get in.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Time Flies Like The Wind.....

Life has been so boring and exhilirating sometimes. Time flies so fast that I forgot to write new posts in my blog but never mind as no one will be reading my blog I guess. My class camp is coming and it will be in April so I am very excited about this as I have never went for camps. I am the class vice-chairman of 1/2 in my Secondary School. Wherever I go in school, People who know me or don't know me will all say that I am cute. The chairman Charanpal wa being sacked by Miss Wong my form teacher as he does not really do anything so now the chairman is Roystein. I like a few boys in my class but I dont intend to start a relationship with any of them. So They are: Ding Sheng and Dylan. Dont tell anyone about this as I hate rumours and gossip-mongers. The WORLD MATHS DAY is tomorrow-3rd March 2010 and my E-learning day is on 10th March 2010 which is one week later. I have a lot of homework to do so I wont really have the time to write my blogs on the website but I will try to write when I am free. Miss Wong is my favourite teacher in Secondary School for now as my favourite primary school teacher is Mr Sebastion Lau.