Saturday, November 28, 2009

Terrible Incident

On the 28th November 2009, my mother brushed my teeth for me and my gums bleed for a while as she is so rough. She thinks that I did not brushed my teeth properly as my teeth is still yellowish. Then when she was brushing my teeth, she make me swallow the colgate or the toothpaste accidentally. It was so awful.

Today, me and my mother went to use the Acupunture Foot machine that my mum brought a few days ago. I cleaned it and put it onto the floor. It was very fun indeed! Although we could feel the stretch on our waist, we were still very excited about it as my mother can finally use this machine to exercise and lose fat while I can have some fun. The machine is not cheap as it cost $48.90 singapore dollars. I find that the machine is very useful.

Friday, November 27, 2009

PSLE RESULTS ARE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is 27th November 2009 and I have not written for a long long time. I have my PSLE results now and my mum is very disappointed in me and she says I am a disgrace to her and scolds me alot for that while my father went overseas for his third plane and will be coming back next week so I dont know what he thinks about my results but my brother says that my father said 'Well Done!' through the SMS. What do u all think?

Shi Yao, my best friend, scored 1st in class 6H and her scored is 232. She beat my brother's score of 230 and her family is very proud and happy for her. I scored 218 and I think it is still ok but I should worked harder next year as I dont want to go Normal stream. I am going Express. I had 2 A for my English and Chinese and 2 B for my mathematics and Science. Next year, i will have 7 or 8 subjects and my mother thinks that I cant cope with it so I think maybe i really cant cope next year. But I still want to go Secondary School. I will work hard just like my cousin, Jolene. She went to Evergreen Secondary School and scored well. I will do that too!!!

I like doing computer stuff so I decided to go for the IT course so my mother suggested me to ask my father when he comes back from overseas to tell me where should I start at IT.