Sunday, September 8, 2019

Phrases I learn from the prayer session in school (year 2010)

School Mission: Confident Person, Concerned Citizen, Active Contributor, Self-Directed Learner
School Vision: Caring, Persevering, Forward-Looking
3 Basic Expectations: Respect, Attendance, Work

*Fruits of Labor - Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control

  1. Kindness is something which is good in nature.
  2. I must know myself, my strengths and weaknesses.
  3. If you do your best, God will help you. Do not lose hope in yourself!
  4. To be faithful to God and as a student. Ready to learn.
  5. God reminds us to be faithful to one another (relatives & friends).
  6. Under stress and pressure, do not give up but persevere.
  7. Be true friends and keep them together!
  8. Your actions show whether the person is being loved. Love is everlasting!
  9. Every relationship is a gift from God.
  10. God is always here with us. We must pray and work.
  11. Self-control will allow us to lead a meaningful life.
  12. Everyone runs in the race but only one wins the race. Self-control and discipline is to be exercised.
  13. Jesus is the way to the light to Father and no one goes to Father except through Jesus. Value my home and know where home is.
  14. God is patient with us and waits for us to develop our character. Patience brings about strive and stress.
  15. Love is sacrifice and God gave us his love by giving his son to us.
  16. Choose to be wise. Gain wisdom when young.
  17. We all need and deserve a second chance. Truly love and forgive one another.
  18. Trust God to lead you to the destination. God gives strength to those who are tired, weary and discourage.
  19. Let God help and grant you support. God grants us success.
  20. I will benefit from the learning journey.
  21. We can be happier when we are busier as we know what we are doing.
  22. Bad leaders give us what we want but in the long run, the country suffers.
  23. Give thanks to the good results. We have a chance to make a difference.
  24. Be alert and do our very best!
  25. The greater the power of God to do what is right. Guidance of God.
  26. Breaks out power of God to give us eternal life. Nothing separates us from God.
  27. Keep our hope alive. Stand up from where you fall. Keep trying.
  28. Trust and believe God in not forsaking or leaving us. Try harder.
  29. Failure will stop coming when we learn from our mistakes. Learn as much as I can.
  30. Behind every successful student, will be a group of teachers.
  31. Students will persevere as long as they are forward-looking.
  32. If you want to solve a problem, you must connect to someone. It is God.
  33. Face our own problems with God. Say thanks to God. Become a better person.
  34. Do not complain or be discourage. Share the inner happiness and joy with the rest.
  35. When I press on when there is challenges, God's wisdom will help and manage my time. Then I will succeed. Persevere and get rewards.
  36. God gives us time to reflect and promises us the worst moments of our life will still have a beautiful moment. This is the light and life that Jesus gave us.
  37. There is hope for everyone including myself.
  38. Sitting down for too long is bad for health. God is love.
  39. Have a vision to stay away from television and dedicate yourself in studying.
  40. Make use of the free time to study. Take time off and meditate the mighty and beauty of God's love for us. Love is strength. Because of God, we can continue to live with love. God's love never changes and is too great to write in pen (words).
  41. Every situation can be seen as a stumbling block or a helping hand.
  42. Make the situation work for me. 'Can' do attitude.
  43. Big things come from small things. Daily, we build on each others' work.
  44. Each one of us will develop good habits. Believe in yourself!
  45. May God give us all the desires that we want.
  46. True love from the family makes a difference. Families' love has no boundary.
  47. Be thankful and grateful to your parents as they are very important in our lives.
  48. Encourage one another and know that we will do well for our exams.
  49. Do not overreact when you get the results. Concentrate, focus and work!
  50. Let God tell you if it is right or wrong. God thinks that some decisions are wrong like lying or hatred.
  51. If I love myself, I would not let myself fail. I need to learn when young.
  52. Life is real and things change. I will respond in a way that everyone will benefit. 
  53. Honor what I say by doing it. Actions speak louder than words.
  54. If I work hard, it will show. Persistence in pursuit.
Exam Seasons:
  • Persevere, Revise, Study
  • Focus is important and choose the choice that we want.
  • Make absolute time to study.
  • The urgency of the time.
  • To begin is to eliminate.
  • Eliminate unnecessary activities.
  • Good conducive classrooms.
Reading Points & Facts:
  • Time management
  • Motivation
  • Self-discipline
Theme: Diversity
Diverse in many ways and duties to different people. For instance, teachers and relatives. We have a diverse curriculum. 

These are some of the phrases I learned during the Chapel session in secondary schools in 2010. Thought of typing it down since the paper is old. 

Typed on 8 September 2019, Sunday

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Written Lyrics: No one except me (Copyrighted) 4

No one except me


Every morning, I wake up
Wearing the same shirt
Doing the same thing
Watching the same show
There is no one except me

Verse 1:

Soon, I had a friend
I thought she could be trusted
But she kicked me aside
To be with a better friend
So its just me again


But every morning, I wake up
Still doing the same thing
Wearing the same shirt
Doing the assignments given
Just being alone in this room, no one except me

Verse 2:

I felt so lonely
Living a life with no aim
But I wanted a change
A change that brings me colors
Soon, there will be someone besides me ~

{Repeat Verse 1 and Chorus}

Written Lyrics: For I love you (Copyrighted) 3

For I love you

Look into my heart and you will see
The beauty of all when you finally
Accept me
For I love you ~~

You touch my heart when I saw you
It was L-O-V-E, love
I know it when I feel it
You are the one for me

You touch my heart again when I saw you
At a nearby cafeteria
When you turn around and smiled at me
I knew it was my destiny to meet you

But you took me as a friend
And I knew you didn't like me
But hey, I gotta keep trying, trying, trying
For I love you

Written Lyrics: Eternal Love (Copyrighted) 2


Our spirits connect when I saw you that day
My love for you will never change
Please be with me, stay by my side
Please be with me tonight

Oh~~ Love is everlasting to me
To be with you
My happiness lies in your hands
So come on baby, just say yes

Say you love me
For I won't let you down
For being with the woman I love
Is the greatest wish of all

The shining beauty I saw in you
The sparkles shining on your lovely dress
Beautiful girl ~ Beautiful lady~
For I love you for who you are
So just say yes

Written Lyrics: Eternal Bless (Copyrighted) 1


You gave me the blessings of friendship.
When you talk to me that rainy day
You gave me the courage
To be a better person

You gave me a whole new life
When you became my best friend
But I didn't cherish you
I treated you for granted and cast you aside

I became so lonely and you felt the same
You, being so forgiving gave me a chance
To be your friend once again
Now, I understand the eternal blessings

Blessings of friendship~~
Blessings of friendship~~~

From then on,
we cherish our moments
study, eat, play together as we have
the blessings of friendship
the eternal bless ~

Saturday, April 20, 2019

20 April 2019

YEAR 2-0-1-9... ...

Even though I am going to be 22 years old in 4 more months, I do not feel any different. How do people constantly grow stronger and smarter each and every day of their lives? Its amazing.

I was wondering if I should start writing a light novel for fun. but I am not have what it takes to do so. Recently, I have been feeling depressed and happy and depressed again...

There is nothing much to write really... as I did not do anything special. No new Instagram posts, I seem to be doing nothing beneficial lately.

Signing out 1.20 pm, 20 April 2019

Monday, September 17, 2018

Joined SIT Hospitality Business with +/- feelings

Apparently, I managed to do well for the 2 interviews for the selection during the SIT admission process this year. At first, I was really very excited about this. Of course, even now, I am happy to given the opportunity to study at SIT as I would not need to feel inferior or ashamed when I see my relatives next year during Chinese New Year. I got into SIT Hospitality Business (HB) this year and it seems that there was about 1500 applications and the selection process was 1 out of 10 applications.

Therefore, after completing the management trainee program at my hotel, I received a certificate to recognize that I have graduated from that program. After resigning in August 2018, I started my new and final student life by going for the Credit Exemption Briefing, SIT Orientation Camp, HB Bonding Day, Day Zero and HeyBeach to gain new friends. I honestly thought that it was my last chance to make an everlasting friendship with someone.

I guess, my greatest weakness right now would be creating lasting friendships. Is it because of my personality? Or my face? What is wrong with me that others hate? Is it because I love anime and am not afraid to show my interests? Is it because I cannot make good small talk? Or I am a boring person? Is it because I do not shop for clothes, makeup or have an interest in visiting cafes? What should I do? Standing at 21 years old now, I am clueless and hopeless in regards to relationships whether is it family, friends, colleagues, superiors, school professors... ...

I do not know what am I living for. I do not have a particular dream that I want to pursue nor do I want to pursue love. I always taught I was a very special girl, as I have never met anyone with the same personality and thinking as mine. However, I guess deep down, I am just a normal girl with family issues, relationship issues and money issues. I would like to say that I am suffering in my heart now but if I were to say it out, it seems like a trivial issue compared to those who are more unfortunate than me. Therefore, I would not say I am an unfortunate person but someone who needs to continue to be independent and just brave through all the obstacles as life goes on. 

My current motto for 2018 is to
Live My Life To The Fullest

I believe in moving forward and learning from my past mistakes. I will continue to persevere to fulfill my responsibilities. Even if there is no one next to me that my heart is willing to pour my dishearten feelings, do not stop...

Apart from that, when my professor asked what superpower I would have, I chose the "Healing" power and she told me no one has told her yet. If possible, I would like to heal the injured people regardless whether it is physical (a real disease) or mental (depression) and myself as well. I hope that we can live on Earth happily. I may not be a very ambitious person but neither am I someone who would just laze around in the house for long periods of time. 

Signing off for the first time in 2018

Praying for my career to have a high salary as I believe without money, nothing can be solved. But with money, anything is possible.