Tuesday, December 19, 2017

WOW! End of Year 2017 (1st Post for the year)

I would like to summarize my one year of activities for 2017. Started off in January, where I started to send resumes, wrote essays for university applications (did not make the cut) and had fun in a long time, just relaxing without the need to go to school, practice for concerts, study for exams and go for project meetings. 

Moving on till the month of May / June, I enjoyed this 6 months period of fun and stress-free lifestyle. However, l I felt the pressure from my parents to look for a job if I could not make it to university (as I was not receiving any replies from my applications that I sent to all five local universities in Singapore. I guess, my results was terrible and below average compared to my peers). 

Finally, I found a Full-Time Job that was close to my ideal expectations. An estimate salary of $1,400 (without CPF contribution), a job in the Tourism / Hospitality industry, to be able to grow and learn from many experiences and mistakes and lastly, to love what I do. Therefore, this leads me to the job position of a Management Trainee at an infamous Hotel Group across many countries. I get to experience many different roles through a 1-year Programme; which includes the Front Office Department that involves the Reception, Concierge, Housekeeping, Premier Lounge (handle VIPs) and also includes the Food & Beverage Department that involves (Restaurant, Banquet, Kitchen). After finishing this Programme, my company's HR department would have a discussion with me regarding the job scope and department that I would like to take in the future. 

I am looking forward to having the opportunity to continue to work with them as well as enter SIT Hospitality Business course through the normal admission and SkillsFuture Earn and Learn Programme where students can study and work at the same time for a stipulated time period (6 months in/out of study and work OR 3 days work / 2 days study OR 4 days work / 1 day study). Hopefully, they would at least grant me an interview so that I can at least show my strengths for once...(however, I am very bad and nervous for interview, and usually do better during practical situations). 

Now, I am reaching the 6-month period of the Programme, and would need to write a 2-page report and prepare a presentation for the higher-ups to show what I have learnt, my challenges and highlights, etc.

Wish me Good Luck, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Everyone!!!