Friday, October 21, 2016

Worst Semester finally comes with a bang!

I have to admit, studying in Singapore Polytechnic for 2 and a half years has been quite enjoyable. I realised that when I am in a particular group, with efficient and fun group mates, I become happier, more efficient and motivated to do more for the lecturer in that module. With that, I would eventually become less nervous during presentations and score even better. This makes my life as a diploma student more interesting and less tiring with all the projects and examinations. 

And in Year 3 Semester 1, I decided to take the Retail Management specialisation to learn more about the Retail Industry in Singapore and globally. I really loved these modules and the lecturers as well. They were so chirpy and helpful, guiding the class with dedication and professionalism. The projects were awesome and interesting, adding some creativity skills as well. I gained a lot of general knowledge in the Retail sector. So to end off that semester, I felt that it was the best semester in Singapore Polytechnic. 

Unfortunately, my happiness did not last long. I took the Human Resource Management specialisation for Year 3 Semester 2 with two of my friends. I was really really excited to go back to school after that 8 week holiday. However, I met this lecturer. I created a dispute with my group as my two friends did not want me to leave the group. The three of us felt awkward in another group and felt that there was no chemistry in our groups. I told her that I would not be able to produce 100% of my best work for efficiency and productivity of the project because I really wanted to enjoy this module and strive to do even better than expectations. 

So I proposed a solution to help me and one of my friends. But to no avail as the lecturer decided to act like a mother and told us that in the real world, there is no such thing as being awkward. But what she does not understand is that we are now in school and not in the real world. We should have a choice on whether we want to group with someone or not. If this was reality and I met this situation, I would have quit the job and moved on to a much better working environment that would appreciate my skills and experiences more. Yet, the ironic part of this story is that the two friends that forced me in this awkward situation, were as quiet as mouse when the lecturer confronted us. That made me more angry and frustrated at them than at the lecturer.

Well, I know the lecturer is just trying to tell us that even if we have to work with the most difficult person, we have to do it for survival. In my case, for my grades. So I predict that this semester would be the worst semester in my entire Polytechnic life. Left 91 days more before graduation date~~ Hang in there, and I know I will get past this. But seriously, I was really wanting an AWESOME HR semester... ... 

" When all hope is lost, it leaves the room with darkness. There was suppose to be salvation, leaving a trail of light. But it was pitch black, no one to hear the screams of my mind and soul " 
- quoted from AL

P.s. She does not even know LKY is Singapore's Prime Minister because she thinks he is the President. Ironic part? She teaches global stuff on the world but she does not even know our country's politics where she is working at right now. How am I suppose to respect and agree that she has the qualifications to be a lecturer. Well, let nature take its course and what awaits me in the next 17 / 18 weeks is torture and tons of awkwardness.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Past, Present, Future

There is nothing to do
Every day and night
Too difficult to find a job
During the school holidays

Even though there is so much time
there is nothing fun for me to do

Reminiscing the past
Thinking about the wonderful moments
That let me see the light
Thinking about those painful memories
That brought me darkness and solitude

Living in the present
Doing what I think is right
Feeling a sense of accomplishment
Yet, a bit of regret?

Looking forward to the future
Or maybe not?
Hoping to feel a sense of achievement
Where my dreams are coming true

These might be my own story
But wait, it might be yours too~~