Monday, July 11, 2016

Status: Having Mixed Feelings

Status: Having mixed feelings.
So many interesting things happen to me today. My teacher late for lesson due to a clinical appointment, the aircon in the classroom that I thought it broke down, me coming to class 20 minutes early, eating alone at the food court when another group shared the same table as me and started to ask me questions..e.g. I can see you are in business school (cos I was wearing a business school shirt), where are your classmates, your lesson end at what time. And after answering all these questions, I concluded that they should be in Year 1 hahaha. 

No friends, no close classmates, no one to confide to, living a life of solitude, living behind a mask. Though I may seem to know alot of people in school, they are mostly just acquaintances. It's hard to know who really cares for me and who just wants to use you for their own gains... ... Definitely have enemies in school as I mean no one is perfect. Truth is, I am not really an extrovert. I do not like to be a leader. I am more of an introvert, a follower who just needs to follow the leader's instructions and do it. Being a leader is exhausting especially if you are in the same group with slackers, people who procratinate till the very end, no initiative group mates and people who just argue with you every single time you have a discussion. 

On another note, totally tired of my current life. Haha I think I need someone to get rid of my anime habit. Watching anime 24/7 - when I wake up, in the afternoon, on my bed till past midnight~~ (I think my eyesight would get worse)

Well Diary, I guess that's my short story for today. What will my future be like? Hopefully it will be something exciting!!! 😉