Monday, April 11, 2016

Starting Poly Year 3 Life in 2 weeks time

Oh my, I am starting Year 3 Life in 2 weeks time right after my intern ship which took my whole 6 weeks holiday... However, I am excited to start my Retail Management classes. I am wondering if I should take Japanese language classes to boost my chances of getting into a local university. Though I know that I have no chance of getting into the top few local universities in Singapore any more due to my grades. I was also thinking about going for Sports for Life again as I have "finished my role" in my CCA. Hopefully.. I mean, I did sacrifice my time and effort and tears to fulfil my duty as President in that role for one whole year. Even though I didn't do a very good job, but I know I tried my very best to do whatever I can. It may not have been enough but I know I fulfilled my responsibility. 

Actually I prepared a small speech that I wanted to say to everyone who came, but in the end I didn't manage to say it due to the small number of people that came... but here goes:

"Thank you to my Committee, Seniors, Alumnus and Juniors for supporting me all the way! Thank you for helping us in many many ways. But please continue to come for practices and support the new president and committee. I believe that this year would definitely be better. Let's do our best in the upcoming concerts ahead!!!"

It was quite disappointing to see the number of people that came that day... It really hurt me alot even though I didn't give a disappointed look. But I was really very upset of my seniors that just left after practice or didn't come at all. I mean, you know today is a special day for our CCA but you didn't show up. And then, I kept saying that I wanted to go home as I was tired. But the truth is I was really downhearted, dejected...

Thus, to the words I couldn't say out that day: I stepped down officially on 23rd March 2016, Wednesday at 9.30pm ++. Love you guys alot. However, from this I understand that I am not capable of being a leader, I do not have great leadership skills or people-oriented skills. I realised that I am not the one who can lead and make important decisions for a club or even a company in the future, I guess. Nevertheless, I will preserve and press on. 

Additionally, I end with a quote I just created, 

"Life is hard. But nothing will change if we don't try and press on. Only then, will we find accomplishments and satisfaction" - A.L